
If you are in an intimate relationship with someone, it is expected that you will often spend (quality) time with them.

As Christians there is an assumption that we are in an intimate relationship with God;  the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. However,  seeing that we are dwellers in time and space and they are on the other side of eternity there are special ways we can spend time with them. These ways include, but are not limited to praise, worship, prayer and meditating on the Word (of God).

There is a man in the bible, the cup bearer of the Persian king, Artaxexes. His name is Nehemiah. (A Jew who had been taken captive to Babylon). He must have had an intimate relationship with the God of Israel as it was not a rare thing to find him praying at the drop of a hat. Oh, yes. Nehemiah prayed just about anywhere if he felt the need to do so. But of course he could. There was an existing relationship.

He had heard about the sorry state of his home city, Judah and the broken down walls of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 1:2-3). He was very sad indeed and prayed to find favour with his boss, the king, when asking for support on his mission to go and rebuild the walls.; (Nehemiah 1: 11), and even right there in the presence of the king, he said a quick prayer to God;  (Nehemiah 2:4)  {This must have been a silent prayer no doubt, (as we are not told that he left the presence of the king), and God heard him.} After all his ear is not heavy that he cannot hear us. Isaiah 59:1

In the face of mockery,  ridicule,  reproach and serious opposition set up to distract him and his brethren from reaching their goal of rebuilding the city wall of Jerusalem that was in ruins; Nehemiah did not stop praying . (Nehemiah 4:4-5). And thus they were not moved. As the opposition became even more fierce, Nehemiah made yet more prayers to God as seen in Nehemiah 4:7-9. He also prayed to God to remember him for all his kindness to his brothers with whom he was rebuilding the city wall.

As the battle heated up in the enemies camp Nehemiah did not give up as some of his brothers did. Instead he prayed more than before and asked God to strengthen him. (Nehemiah 6:9). And at the end of the day God gave them victory.

Like praise, prayer changes things and also changes us and our attitude when we are faced with trying or challenging situations. If indeed there is an existing relationship between us and God then prayer should never be a big deal. It should come naturally to us. Prayer to God can cause us to find favour before men, can make us bold, can keep us focused on our goal even when distractions come. It  can make us resolute in our pursuit to achieve anything. In the face of persistent and relentless opposition prayer gives us the confidence to carry on and not be shaken or feel threatened. So it does not really matter how, where and when we say our prayers, whether it’s kneeling,  standing, jogging, driving, laying flat on our face, in the kitchen, bathroom,  boardroom, gym, before our bosses at work, at an interview, in the examination, right in the middle of that presentation, while asking for bargains at the market………. however we choose to do it, is great; but whatever we do; please; LET US NEVER STOP PRAYING! 

Remember “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man,  availeth much.” James 5:16 KJV

Oluyinka Ego-Martins ©