Wednesday Praise

Join us this Wednesday for an hour of praise. It's our weapon for victory in a world of tribulations.

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Great Kids from Uganda


God is raising up a MIGHTY generation of WORSHIPPERS!! #KAMPALA #UGANDA

Posted by AskDrBrown on Saturday, August 15, 2015



From The Blog


    KEEP SOWING! Once again, the harvest season is upon us. Yipeeee! I am excited because I am expectant of a bounty. A few years ago I bought some fruit trees and had been tending them since then. I also started a mini garden of tropical plants and flowers along side my fruit trees. Quite honestly my flowers are not always

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    THE KING OF LOVE!  This is a highly coveted title but only One gets to wear it. And that is the original, the One and Only King of love, JESUS!  Any other one is a counterfeit and a fraud. Ladies, beware, please avoid them like a plague! You are warned!!! A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about us being

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    USE YOUR WEAPONS!  About a week ago, I was meditating on the truth that God has given us so much. (An armory, if you ask me!) It is written that : “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one

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