220px-Glass-of-waterIs the glass half empty or is it half full?

Well, it’s really all about perception and how we view different scenarios.

Empty” gives the impression of lack, barrenness, a wilderness experience, drought. So most people would want to run away from a situation that’s heading towards emptiness and rather go for the one that’s close to “Full” which signifies plenty, abundance, surplus, more than enough.

Still everyone has the liberty of being unique in their perception and interpretation of  different situations.

But please let me tell you about the “emptiness” that will bring “fullness” (of joy).

It’s the “Empty Tomb”.

The empty tomb screams……………………….….JESUS IS ALIVE!!!

And because He lives; we have a Comforter………………………..John 14:16, John 16:7

In our comfort; we are at peace with God…………………………………..Romans 5:1

Because He lives; we are recipients of Grace………………………………Romans 5: 2

His Grace will save us from wrath………………………………………………Romans 5:8

Because He lives;  He makes intercession for us………………………….Romans 8:34

When He intercedes for us,we are more than conquerors …………..Romans 8:37

Because He lives; we have the wonderful gift of eternal life ……….Romans 6:23

The “empty” tomb “fills” my heart with joy!!!



Oluyinka Ego-Martins ©