Sometime ago road works were going on in the neighbourhood around my office. And this created quite a lot of traffic. On the very first day the works started, a lot of people were taken unawares so it was completely chaotic moving around the area that day.
The next day I knew the strategy was to arrive at the office very early and leave very early too so as to avoid the rush hour gridlock.
On one of the days after getting to the office pretty early, I had to go out on a visit. While driving on the other side of the route that normally brings me to work, I saw such a horrendous build up of traffic. I was alarmed but thankful that I was not caught up in it.
And then a thought came to my mind. I thought that in life it would be really good if we got off to an early start at everything so that if we ever made mistakes along the way, we could maybe retrace our steps, make corrections, make amends or make adjustments and be on our way without losing much time. So for example if I left home early enough and took a wrong turn at some point, it would not take me the whole morning or the whole day trying to arrive at my destination. I could make a U-turn and get back on track before long.
So I kept thinking how nice it would be if one started out early in marriage, child bearing, career, business or in Ministry. And it all seemed great to me. I was thinking one would be able to achieve so much and make a lot of impact. How nice it would all be.
And then slowly other thoughts began to come to my mind, some had married very early and never had children or had delays of up to twenty or more years waiting on God for the fruit of the womb. Some started early in marriage and lost their spouses within the first or second year before they had any children. Some husbands died early and left their wives with three, four or five children to bring up alone. Some started really early in business making waves but suddenly the business collapsed and folded up. What about those who started out early in a very promising Engineering, Banking or Teaching career but somewhere along the line something inexplicable happened and truncated their journey? Some were involved in accidents and lost a limb which hampered their mobility. Some pretty much lost their lives out of no fault of theirs. A drunk driver, a stray bullet, a mistake during a surgery and the list is endless.
And I knew then that it was not about how early one started out at anything. It was not about pedigree, upbringing or location. The Bible tells us that it is not because of anything we do or have done that good or bad things happen. It is written thus:“It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” Lamentations 3: 22 KJV Some terrible things have happened to us or to our loved ones that we cannot even explain. And this is what the Bible says: “What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! For he says to Moses, ‘I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.’ It does not, therfore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” Romans 9:14-16 NIV
This here is very deep. Whatever we do in life let us ask for God’s mercy. It’s it certainly not about having an early take off in anything. Neither does starting late when one is more mature and possibly more experienced guarantee success. Some rushed in and rushed back out. Some took off and never even landed. What to do? Let us wait patiently for God. He sees the end from the beginning. He knows where bottle necks are located and He might decide to navigate us on paths that are free of bottlenecks. There might be a few delays there, but please let us wait them out.
“He hath made everything beautiful in his time” Ecclesiastes 3:11 NKJV This scripture says beautiful in his time. It does not specify when that time is. So whether it is early or late in our own opinion, as long as it happens in God’s time “It will always be beautiful”