Bade dropped his car keys.
He could no longer continue like this.
He had done his best to try and keep it together but he was tired of “acting like a man”. How exactly was a man supposed to act anyways? Literally everything had fallen apart around him. His “wife”, (she might as well be someone else’s really,) was hardly present in this marriage. She was up and about and all over the place. And here they were, their third year without signs of a conception. Why did she seem unfazed?
He had never come clean with Olly but he was getting tired of the wait. He did not know how long he could hold on. He wanted children.
This seemed to him like a reversal of roles because women were always the ones who were anxious but not his wife

He loved her with everything in him but this was getting out of hand and he was getting impatient now.
He would call Olly and let her know exactly how he felt.

While he was thinking these things, Olly came in. She smiled that her perfect sweet smile and his heart just melted “How was your day my love?  You do look tired. Let us take the weekend off.” He turned around sharply almost falling down. “Did I hear you right?” 
” Yes” said Olly. “Do you find my request strange?”

Bade forced a smile and nodded yes. “Very strange indeed for one and certainly most unexpected. So what do you have in mind?” Bade asked her.
“Nothing much, just a lazy weekend with phone ringers off, bonding and catching up and reconnecting all over again.” she smiled shyly.
Well, I could definitely do with some quiet time for a change. But what came over you? What happened to your long list of weekend activities lined up till midnight on Sunday?He asked sarcastically

Olly came before her husband and took  both his hands in hers.
“I know I have been very irresponsible and reckless. I have been acting as if our plight meant nothing to me. Please forgive me.” Darling, you know I have never been one to focus on challenges. I channel every potential negative energy into activities that keep me busy and around people. I have seen your expressions when you think I am not watching and it scares me silly. So I just keeping planning one thing after the other with my sisters, friends and colleagues. Do anything but the one thing that I ought to be doing “
Bade cuts in: “But Olly, that has only succeeded in keeping us apart.” He looks at her exasperated. “That logic is just so faulty.” he sighs.

“I know, my love and hearing myself, it does sound silly really. But lately I started listening to messages about factors that contribute to lasting marriages. Communication was high up there at the top of every list. Yet we were hardly doing that anymore and I knew that if we were going to survive this year we needed to do something about that.”

“Bade you know my sisters and I are very close. Together with my many girlfriends we are a great team but honestly, I have always wanted you to be my one very best friend.
The one that I can share absolutely everything with.”
Hearing this Bade softened. He had been just as guilty as Olly. The last football season had taken over his life. They were both at fault. He would always be in a hurry to touch base with his guys and even when he watched the matches from home that was all he had eyes and ears for.
Bade kissed her forehead and then stared into her eyes, then he said  “Let us start again shall we?”

And start again they did.
Bade and Olly welcomed their son thirteen months later.

Dear friends, there is so much out there that distracts us from building, investing in and pouring into the relationships that truly matter the most. Starting again has the potential to propel and move us forward. Is there something you think you did wrong before? Is there a relationship you mismanaged . Father’s and mothers when last did we have the heart to heart with our sons and daughters? We work so hard to give them the best that we think they want or need. But are we really communicating with them? Sometimes they just need us to pay more attention to them and spend time with them.

Brothers and sisters, yes we all have our own nuclear families now but remember where we all came from. Some of our siblings are struggling. This is not the time to ignore them. Let us reach out to them.

Husbands and wives, communication can never be over emphasized in the marriage. Second guessing is a tedious task. It’s tough enough out there let us make the home a safe haven. If it gets too hot in there where can we run to?
I come in peace.
With God all things are possible.

Rahab started again, so did the prodigal son. No case is hopeless. Not one.

God is an ever present help.