A few years ago, a very dear friend of mine who had been married for about eleven years at the time, finally conceived and was delivered of a set of twins. I was so happy for her when I got the news and I called her immediately to rejoice with her and ask her how it all happened. She did not tell me much. She just said to me; “Yinka, you have to concentrate”. I had only just got married myself and was already anxious. So I decided to concentrate on expecting a baby and of course seeing my gynaecologist for the best way this was going to happen. I then focused on the word of God and all the promises therein about having one’s own children. And to the Glory of God, after almost six years later, my baby came. Hallelujah!

Dear friends, to concentrate means to focus. It is easy to focus on the things we see around us especially if they are not favourable or if they are not what we want to see. I could have spent all those five plus years focusing on “Ooooh! another menstrual cycle wasted! When will my baby come?” And though it was difficult sometimes, I made a choice to focus on God’s Word instead. I tell you the truth, if we keep focusing on the problems that we see they will eventually suck us in. It is easy to become consumed by our challenges if they are all we choose to dwell on.

It is not wholesome to wake up and be dwelling on the things that are not working. It adds no value to our wellbeing at all.

In scripture there is a Word (seed) for virtually every challenge that we could ever come up against in this life.

It behoves us to search it out. “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2 KJV Once we find that seed, we then plant it in our heart, water it with meditation and prayers and watch it come to life. As it comes to life, it will definitely choke to death every evil and negative thought. It will eventually choke to death every symptom of anxiety, fear and worry.

We must come to the place where we have to realise that the changing of certain situations is not within our power. Knowing that there is One, who can change any and every situation if the need arises, should give us some measure of if not all the peace we need. That One, is the All Sufficient God.

Now, though we cannot change every situation, we can change our mindset which will help us respond differently to challenges when they do come. And as we do so we begin a process of transformation. “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 NLT

The way of the world is to hanker after every Breaking News. Lament over every unpleasant news. Believe me that cannot give us any hope. Rather it breaks and dashes our hopes.

Just last night I made the mistake of going through a group chat I normally prefer to stay away from because of all manner of unpleasant news. Well I asked for it.

It was news of one collapse to another. One of a two storey building and the other of our country’s national grid. I immediately remembered why I had stayed away from the place. I have realised that I do not do well watching or listening to any news of violence or anything that brings pain especially emotional hurt. So I stay clear away.

I am choosing to focus and concentrate on the promises of God for me and my family. I am standing firm on the Word of God.

That is not to say there are no distractions here and there but I do not hang around them. And I definitely do not allow them to hang around me. I move on and most times just find a scripture to meditate on. That shifts my attention immediately.

My brothers and sisters, let us do this together. What are our challenges? Let us locate a promise in the Word of God that speaks to them. Then let us begin to meditate on those promises. That will help us to think about the problems differently. Also never forget that our Heavenly Father will always make a way where there is no way. And while we are at it, let us be channels of  blessings to others.

Concentrate on God’s promises!

Concentrate on the Word!

Concentrate on Jesus!