2017-02-14-21-34-35--746119509A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER

I am in love………………With the One who first loved me.

I am happy, I am glad, I am ecstatic………….about the Lover of my soul.

His name is JESUS; and He gave His life for me.

Today I celebrate His steadfast Love that never ceases,

The Love that stopped my life from going to pieces.

Today I salute the greatness of God’s mercy,

It cleaned my mess and changed my story.

I tell today, of the love that turns curses into blessings. Deuteronomy 23:5 

A love so amazing, it redeems and carries us through trials, tribulations and any manner of affliction. Isaiah  63:9  

A love so tight, absolutely nothing, can separate us from it. Romans  8:35 -39 

And He does not tire of spending time with us. He does not ask for “space” or go to “hang out” with His “peeps”. There is no need to. We are always His favourite people. Hebrews 13:5 

Just learn to praise Him that’s all. He will be going nowhere in a hurry. Psalm 22:3 

Oh! And did I tell you He loves us so much there is nothing to be afraid of. His perfect love for us will chase away all our fears.

1 John  4:18  

We are indeed very special to Him. His love for us is everlasting;  Jeremiah  31:3  

I know this because He tells us that we are the apple of His eye.  Zechariah 2:8 

A love so incredibly generous He gave His most valued treasure, His only Son, Jesus Christ, for you and me. John 3:16 

I know of no love that is greater than this.  John  15:13 

Please rise with me today, 

And let us stand in awe and celebration of the King of Kings;

It’s all about Jesus; 

And let us celebrate His love!!!


Oluyinka Ego-Martins ©