Elle is a beautiful soul and a delightful person to hang out with anytime, any day. There is the most amazing thing about her and that is her ability to encourage her family and friends whenever she observes that they may be having a bit of a rough time. She is a shoulder to lean on for all who know her. Between her responsibilities as a wife, a mum, a daughter, a sister, a professional and a minister, she rarely has time for much else.
One day, during a counseling session with a young girl, Kimi, Kimi confided that she always felt inadequate when she was with her colleagues from work and even more so when she was with her former school mates. When asked why, Kimi burst into tears and said that most of them had achieved and done so much more than her. And she literally felt intimidated and small whenever they had to get together. Elle calmed her down, got her to stop sobbing and handed her some tissue to blow her nose and some wipes to clean up her smeared makeup. When Kimi had put herself together, Elle came around the desk, and taking her by the hand, led her to the couch at the other end of the office. There both ladies sat down facing each other; then Elle began.
“Kimi” she said; “one of the first scriptures I learnt as a young girl goes like this ‘Godliness with contentment, is great gain’.” (“Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.” 1 Timothy 6:6 NLT) “I was made to recite it until it became my mantra and I found that I never had an interest in things that belonged to others. If it was not mine, I just never longed for it. What I always thought about, was the great gain I already had by being content. As I grew older, I heard a sermon that said it was foolish to compare oneself to other people. (“We do not dare to compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12 NIV) I did not want to be seen as an unwise person so I never looked longingly at what other people had. And so by the time social media became a big deal I was never intimidated by anyone else’s posts. Sometimes when I went out with friends and they tried to take the conversation to what another friend wore to a party, or even to church, or who went on what vacation or who lived where, I very subtly always changed the topic.”
Kimi smiled and nodded slowly. “Auntie, you are so wise. This is exactly what has been going on. I see my friends on instagram and Facebook dressed to the nines, carrying all their luxury handbags. Sometimes they post their vacations and I am thinking if I will ever get to go away on a holiday. Auntie this always makes me so sad yet I can’t stop looking; this is depressing for me and I think I have failed at life.” And Kimi’s bottom lip starts to tremble. Once again Elle is there as a shoulder for her to lean on. She lets Kimi cry and does not try to stop her. When the tears are finally over they go over the tissue and wipes routine again. And this time Kimi laughs. “Auntie, I hate to think I have been such a fool, comparing myself to all these people. Thank you so much for letting me see the truth.”
“Well”, said Elle with a wide grin on her face, “there is more truth where that came from. It’s all in your bible. You must learn to acquaint yourself with it. And my dear Kimi, please know that we all have different gifts and callings. Each one of us is unique. We cannot all be doing the very same thing. You have been created specially by God for a reason. Ask Him what it is and pour yourself into it always looking for the best way to excel at it. “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.” Proverbs 22:29 NIV
God will help you by His Holy Spirit. He is more than enough.
Let us pray…