NEVER STOP PRAYING If you are in an intimate relationship with someone, it is expected that you will often spend (quality) time with them. As Christians there is an assumption that we are in an intimate relationship with God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. However, seeing that we are dwellers in time and space and they are
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THE SPIRIT IS WILLING BUT…..? “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41. This is what Jesus told the three disciples He took with Him to Gethsemane. He told them to watch and pray with Him but they ended up falling asleep. I often hear this scripture used relating to different things such as late night
THE GENEROSITY OF GOD How generous is our God!!! I read in the 16th Chapter of Exodus about how God provided manna and quail for 40 years for the children of Israel. Here are some things that struck me and led me to thinking of how generous God really is. Absolutely all the Israelites in the wilderness were provided for
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WHO IS YOUR FATHER? “The apple does not fall far from the tree” “A chip off the old block” “The spitting image” These are all English idioms that describe the striking likeness of an individual to their parents. This tells me that it is natural and even expected that one should bear resemblance to ones parents. This resemblance might be
ONE HUNDRED WAYS AND MORE, TO SAY THANK YOU LORD! James (Travis) Reeves, popularly known as Jim Reeves (1923-1964) sang the song “We thank thee” , in which he listed a number of things to thank God for. When I was very young, my dad used to play this song a lot (which is how come I know about it
THE ROOT; THE ANCHOR; THE ROCK On my way home the other day, I saw an upturned tree which apparently had been uprooted during the storm of the previous day. Then this got me thinking about roots so I went on a search and here is what was discovered. There were quite a few definitions of roots but one in
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HE NEVER FAILS. My God never fails. It’s just as simple as that. It really does not matter what STRATEGY the enemy has in place to try to frustrate my very best efforts. It is absolutely impossible for “my” God to fail. (Please note that I keep using the determiner “my”, because I am in a relationship with Him.) In
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THE HAND OF GOD Remember the FIFA World Cup of Nineteen Eighty-six? The quarter Finals featured Maradona and his tricks Two very famous goals were scored in that match, The one in the fifty-first minute, had no match. They called it the “The Hand of God, Goal”, Yes! the hand of God can do so much, but a goal…………… Quite
THE GREATEST INSTRUCTORS I am the product of a great “teacher” mother. An astute educationist. A nurturer “par excellence”. She has trained, taught and tutored generations of pupils who have gone on to excel in their different callings and professions. And the testimonies abound. But today is not about her. Today I want to celebrate the “greatest instructors” and it
THE STRATEGY OF PRAISE The story was told of a woman who felt unloved in her marriage and even after bearing three male children for her husband the situation did not change. Well actually, her husband had taken a second wife whom he loved very deeply and much more than the woman in question despite the fact that the second
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