This is a true story.
Mimi and Fay were friends like sisters. They had known each other from when they were in their early teenage years. Their parents were friends too and actually attended the same church.
Mimi and Fay attended the same university and Mimi never saw or knew Fay to be easily angered or perturbed by anything. She had a bubbly, friendly personality and though she had passed through quite a few challenges she still had a good outlook towards life. They grew into matured women, got married and started having children. Though they lived on different continents, they were always in touch with each other and never passed up an opportunity to see each other whenever it came up. Though Fay had had some challenges again regarding children the LORD had been gracious unto her and had blessed her with beautiful children.
So it happened that once when Fay travelled down to Mimi’s neck of the woods, they met up a few times and caught up with stories of how everyone was faring. As always it was a lovely time together. On the day of Fay’s departure back home, Mimi decided to pay her a last visit. On getting there Fay was busy with her fingers in many pies. Mimi’s first shocked response was “Sister!!!, why are you still at this place at this time? Should you not be packed and ready to leave for the airport anytime soon? Mimi was already visibly fretting for Fay as a bead of perspiration broke out on her forehead. As always Fay was not rattled at all. She just laughed her infectious laughter which caught on immediately and somehow Mimi managed to calm down.
Then Fay began; “See Mimi, aside from the fact that my flight is on a standby ticket, (so what good would it do me to fret and get anxious about it?) I trust my Daddy to do the best for me and I will not wear myself out about something that I cannot control directly. I trust my Daddy, He always comes through for me.” She smiled.
Fay had a flexible schedule back home and especially because a lot of her clients were away for the holiday season she was not under any pressure or deadlines.
Mimi stared at Fay, half open-mouthed and thought; “Oh dear, if this was me I would be up in arms right now.” But she also realized that Fay spoke the truth. How many times had she, Mimi, been in turmoil over situations that she could not change? How many times had she worried herself sick about things that had not yet happened and never did happen? How many times had she made herself panic into inactivity? Mimi sat back in the chair, closed her eyes and sighed. She shoud trust God more.
Fay eventually got everything done that she needed to do that day and though she did not get on that flight, she eventually got home in good time and in God’s time.
Dear friends, as I heard this story, I went to read more about standby tickets. I came across an article in which the writer said emphatically that they would never again do standby because the anxiety, stress and nerve rack were enough to kill. Yet Fay had taken all this in her stride.
This reminded me of the Mary and Martha story in the bible. While the two sisters opened their home to Jesus and his disciples who were traveling, Martha was more concerned with playing the perfect and most efficient hostess. Yet this was not what God wanted from her at that time. Playing hostess is a great idea but Jesus would have preferred for Martha to spend time with Him, listening to what He had to say and ultimately developing a deeper relationship with Him. I can relate to Martha and Mimi too in the story above. I used to fret at everything until God clearly showed me that fretting is simply a sign of not trusting Him enough, He is our Father and He can never wish for bad things to happen to us. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11 KJV And even if we forget that let us at least remember this : “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 KJV No matter what it is God has a way of making it work for our benefit. But we must trust His Word and believe it especially when things are not going as we planned.
The better part is the part that trusts God completely at His Word.
The better part is the part that sits and spends time with God (reading and studying the Word, Praying and Praising Him).
The better part is the part that commits everything to God in prayer and lets Him order their thoughts and their steps.
The better part is patient, calm and restful knowing that God makes all things beautiful in His time.
I have decided to choose the better part. What about you?