As parents we care deeply for our children.
We do not just give birth to them and leave them alone saying that we have done our bit and brought them into the world. No! We do not say that they are now on their own and that they can take it from there. No! Definitely not!
As earthly parents we do not do that with our children. We want the very best for them. We go to great lengths to provide the best for them. We pay attention to their diet, their clothing, their health, their education and their general well being. And even for those of us who are now grandparents we are still looking out for our children and their own children too.
Now God is our heavenly Father, and it is His delight to see to all our needs. Not just our spiritual needs but every need we require to function effectively as His children on earth. Remember when Jesus said this? “As bad as you are, you know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11 Good News Translation Jesus was simply telling us in the above scripture that God can and will do much more than any earthly parent who works tirelessly to make good things happen for their children.
Therefore it is important to trust our heavenly Father completely and to take Him at his every word especially at this time. There is pressure and there is tension but God is with us always and he will never let us be tempted beyond what we can handle. In church on Sunday, we were asked to proclaim the following scripture : “They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough.” Psalms 37:19 NLT This is a powerhouse of a scripture to meditate on. It is a pep-up word in due season! We really must be mindful of the words we listen to and the words we speak right now. What we are listening to can impact what we are saying and what we are saying (whether to ourselves or to others) has the power to change things for better or for worse. We must speak words to encourage ourselves and others around us.
It is written that “There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs 23:18 NIV
To hope, to have a hope or to be hopeful is to be optimistic and to look forward to positive happenings. And God has spoken clearly that our hope shall not be cut off.
We shall not be disappointed. Not even now. He said that we shall not be ashamed.
Now more than ever we must hold fast to the promises of our heavenly Father. The way our children always look forward to good things from us, it behoves us as children of God to always look forward to and expect the very best from Him.
Just as parents who would never deliberately harm our children we must know that God is never the cause of any trial, test or misfortune. It is the devil who is on the prowl to kill, steal and destroy. We must not assist him to do that by losing hope or speaking careless, mindless and negative words.
Some of us are even picking up bills for our children because we hate to see them struggle. The same way we do this, we should be expectant that God will definitely, surely and with all certainty come through for us. We must trust Him. There is no other way. He loves us too much to allow us waste away.