I know and I believe that there is no insignificant detail in the bible but honestly I struggle to read through some passages. Is there anyone else who feels that way? Then you are not alone. But there is a solution. Please stay with me.
When I get to such passages, what happens is that I feel lost and I think that I am not getting anything out of them. Still I would remind myself of the scripture that says “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 KJV And I would still not feel inspired.
Well sometime ago, I stumbled across such a passage in the book of Ezekiel. After reading it through a couple of times, I decided to go back and read the previous chapter so that I could get a clearer picture. Yet still I drew a blank. Then I asked the Holy Spirit to help me; (that is the solution right here, always ask the Holy Spirit for help.) to interprete what I was reading and to let me know what the Father wanted to tell me. And then I read again. All the while I also kept asking the Holy Spirit to let me see Jesus in the particular scripture in Ezekiel. And this is what I found.
Please come with me to Ezekiel 46.: 1 – 15.
It was not the first time that I had read in the bible about priests sacrificing animals to God as sin offerings for the children of Israel. This was their custom and practice. But my eyes were suddenly open to a truth that I did not observe before that time. I realised something very profound.
The amount of blood and gore that had to go down endlessly when it was time to sacrifice a sin offering was just too much and yet no amount was ever enough nor could ever have been enough to cleanse them forever. Generations of priests would come and go and the blood of animals was still being used as atonement. Look at the genealogy of Jesus in the gospel account of Matthew. All those generations before Jesus and they were still sacrificing bulls and rams to cleanse sin.
But in one fell swoop, Jesus put an end to all the ceremony. Exactly how many animals without blemish could we possibly bring to the altar today? Or how much weight of fine flour considering how expensive flour is now could we really afford? And if it was ever the case that one could not afford bulls, rams, pigeons, turtledoves or fine flour what would have happened to so many or maybe even all of us? For who is without sin? Oh what a misery life would have been! But Jesus has taken us out of misery. Hallelujah!!!
Can any one of us just imagine having to do that today? Bishops and General overseers turning their altars to an abattoir! It is inconceivable! Just thinking about it makes me feel faint. Yet Jesus literally fainted on the way to go and take our place on the cross. After He had been scourged beyond recognition (“But many were amazed when they saw him. His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man.” Isaiah 52:14 NLT) and was being led to Golgotha, the place where He was crucified, He slumped and another man, Simon of Cyrene had to carry the cross the rest of the way.
Jesus has done a lot for us. Let us thank Him.
Jesus did not wait for us to love Him before He went to the cross. Let us thank Him.
Jesus had no sin; He knew no sin; He did no sin: But He took the sins of the whole world upon Himself. Let us thank Him.
Today we can talk to God directly ANYWHERE we are in the world because the temple curtain was ripped in two (and not by human hands) but by God Himself. We have direct access to the Father too. Yes there are designated places of worship because we have been instructed not to forsake the gathering of the brethren. But when we lay on our beds we can talk to God. In the bathroom we can talk to Him, while driving or walking, we can talk to God.
These are more than enough reasons to thank God.
Today I am not holding an animal without blemish to the high priest. I am not running around looking for fine flour to take to the priest. I have a Saviour and so do you.
He has paid the debt we owed. There is no substitute for cleansing us from sin. Jesus cleansed us once and for all when He shed His blood on the cross.