Often times we run into hitches or obstacles in life. This is normal and should not be a thing of surprise because Jesus Christ, our Lord told us “……Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33a NLT
Quite honestly, we are expected to not fret and worry when we are overwhelmed. Simply because Jesus said so. What He wants us to do at such times is this: “Let us have confidence, then, and approach God’s throne, where there is grace. There we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it.” Hebrews 4:16 Good News Translation But how do we approach God’s Throne? I believe it is through prayer. If the truth be told though, this is much easier said than done. Still when faced with a job loss, an unfaithful partner, a sick child, parent or spouse, a looming threat of being homeless, a terminal ailment, grief in the family, failure; or whatever challenge, it is definitely not the time to have a pity party. That is never worth it. Calling our friends to talk about it is not the best thing to do. So do we call the Pastor then? Ehm. ……… well, do we know how many other people are calling him? Or do you know what personal challenges he might be facing? What then should we do? The best thing to do is cry out to God. Let us go to His throne in prayer. When we go to Him in prayer it means we acknowledge Him and believe that He can help the situation. Jesus calls that ” Faith “. “Then the Lord said, “Learn a lesson from this unjust judge. Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith? ” Luke 18 : 6 – 8 NLT Jesus Himself tells us that we are to pray until God does something. And that if the “unjust ” judge felt the need to do something, how much more God, when we give Him no rest!
Prophet Isaiah knew the importance of crying out to God in prayer. He knew that problems would be resolved in the place of prayer. “On your walls, Jerusalem, I have placed sentries; They must never be silent day or night. They must remind the Lord of his promises And never let him forget them. They must give him no rest until he restores Jerusalem And makes it a city the whole world praises. The Lord has made a solemn promise, And by his power he will carry it out:” Isaiah 62: 6-8a Good News Translation He asked us to remind God of what He promised to do.
Daniel was a prayer warrior. We are told that as soon as he started fasting and praying, his voice was heard on high, yet he did not get answers immediately. It was twenty one days later before there was a sign that his voice had been heard. He did not know his prayer had already been answered. He kept praying until the answers were received.
Apostle Paul never stopped urging believers to pray. His teachings were not complete without encouraging us to pray. “Do all this in prayer, asking for God’s help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God’s people.” Ephesians 6: 18 Good News Translation He tells us to not give up.
“Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times”. Romans 12:12 Good News Translation
It was Apostle Paul who asked us to: “Pray without ceasing. “ 1 Thesssalonians 5: 17 KJV
When we pray, I am certain that God hears and maybe even answers immediately. But part of our faith is waiting to hear from Him. Now the waiting period is different for everybody. For some it is immediately. For others it takes weeks, moths years or even decades. But one thing happens while we keep praying. We are being strengthened. Prayer is our tool of communication with God. As long as we pray to God, what we are saying is that we know He is there and that He can help. And that pleases God. For “No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 Good News Translation
Dear friends, let us now start reminding Him of His precious promises to us. And let us give Him no rest until He performs. And trust Him, He will make it good.