Sammie, a talented young woman, was on the verge of a break down. She was tired. She did not know what else to do. How could she know so many so called “high flyers” and yet her destiny was about to be truncated. It seemed like nobody was willing to help her. She could not go on like this. She had spent all her savings. The last couple of interviews that she attended all turned out the same. They said she was over qualified for the positions. Her degrees and her years of experience were now working against her rather than working for her. Did that even make sense? The bills were piling up now. “How did I get to this place?” Sammie asked herself. She mindlessly reached for her phone and started scrolling down. She went past a few names and then stopped at one name (her auntie) and was about to call when she felt an urge not to make the call. That was strange. Why did she feel such an urge? Then this dropped in her mind. “I will not share my glory with another.” “But God, I need a job.” “My auntie might help. Let me call her” thought Sammie. Yet again there came the urge to not make the call. So she dropped her phone and went to her laptop. As she logged in to check her mail, she realized that she had missed a message from an old school mate. The message simply read “I need your help. Please get in touch ASAP! Aggie.”
Sammie stared at the words and thought, “What help could Aggie possibly want from me at a time like this? I have nothing to give anyone. I will get back to her later.” she thought. There was no other mail of interest. Nothing from the companies she had applied to recently. She sighed; dejected.
Then for lack of anything to do, she messaged Agee her old school mate. Agee answered right back and said: “Please send me a number that I can reach you on.” Feeling a bit put off that she had even bothered to contact Agee she sent her cell phone number. Her phone rang instantly. “Sammie girl, how have you been? I have been trying to reach you. I need your help.” Sammie tried to smile as she replied. “Hey Agee, how are things with you? It’s been what now – three years? How may I help?”
“Yes about three years Sammie. How time flies! I am really sorry to come at you like this.”said Agee. And Sammie is rolling her eyes thinking “I wonder what she wants!”
“Well here is the thing,” starts Agee. “I just got this new posting to work on a project and I get to pick my team. I remembered your core strength back when we were doing that MA. Do you think you can come and join our team? I know this is a very tall order because we have not spoken in a while and you are probably in very high demand, but I promise this will be worth your while.” She paused . “Sammie?” No response. “Sammie are you there?” Agee calls again. “Yes please, Agee. I am here.” Sammie’s mouth was wide open in disbelief. Was this really happening? She had almost missed this opportunity right here because she was too focused on her problems and was not even willing to hear someone out who said they needed her help, not knowing that it was a blessing in disguise. In a split second, everything had changed. In the twinkling of an eye her life had taken a turn for the better. So many things began to run through her mind. God did this. I did nothing. God remembered me. God does not share His glory. She asked Agee a few questions then she asked her to send a formal offer she could go through. Agee who had been holding her breath, finally exhaled. “Thank you so much Sammie. I cannot tell you what this means to me. HR and Legal will be in touch. If there is anything you need clarity on, please message me directly before you respond. I look forward to seeing you soon.” And Agee rang off.
Dear friends, God still works wonders and miracles. God is saving our very best for last. The Bible says our latter days shall be greater than the former. “And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great.” Job 8:7 English Standard Version
God will always have the best deal for us. The arm of flesh will surely fail but God will never fail. Why not let us trust Him? Of a truth we are better off trusting Him. To not trust God is a deadly matter. “This is what the LORD says” “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salty land. But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a river bank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they never stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17: 7 – 8 NLT