Happy New Year Everyone!
I pray that we will all partake of the goodness and goodies of 2022 in Jesus name.
Most churches and ministries start the year with a “word” or “theme” for the year for their members. And that’s all great.
Yet, no matter how exciting the prospect of the New Year is, some barely made it through. Some are struggling with all kinds of losses, pain, health challenges and grief.The past year for some was filled with trials. So much so that they had begun to wonder if God could possibly be on their side. Some have asked “God, why me? Why now?” When will I see an end to these problems?”
So I come to encourage us all today. Regardless of how excited or not we might be about this New year, if there is anything we should bring with us into 2022 it is the unflinching knowledge that “GOD LOVES US”. We must know this truth with all our heart. Let us chant it if we must. Eat it, drink it, make a song and dance out of it and believe it. That knowledge will be more than enough to see us through our journey this year no matter what comes our way.
Please read this true story (Real names not used).
Jack and Jill were in love.
They went everywhere together. Except to work. They went grocery shopping together, went to the gym together when Jack picked Jill up after work every week day. Their relationship served as a source of encouragement to all their friends that marriage would be a great idea. Jill always had a spring in her step when she was going to meet Jack in the parking lot at the end of the day. She could set her watch by Jack. He was ever so punctual and always kept to his word. And Jill knowing this was so confident that he would not let her down. Sadly, Jack broke up with Jill after four years of being in a relationship with her. Everyone was shocked and disappointed. Jill withdrew and lost every hope in any member of the male specie. She gave up on dating and began to build a relationship with the One who made the men. Eventually, after many years of trusting in God’s love for her, she met and got married to a God-fearing man. It had been worth the wait. Today she is happily married with children.
This simply tells us that God is the only One worth trusting. Yet see how Jill trusted Jack because of the love they shared. And he still let her fall flat on her face.
Dear friend, this is not the time to put our trust in any human being. God is the only One who will never fail us. And even when things are not going well, let us remember this: “Praise the Lord! He is good. God’s love never fails.” Psalms 136: 1 Contemporary English Version God is always good. His thoughts for us are good and He can make everything work for our good.
Also let us not forget that it was God’s love that bought Jesus to take our place on the cross. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 KJV God gave all He had. His only Son to die in our place. Such love!
This year let us rely on God’s love for us because no matter how bad it may get He will never abandon us.
His love is steadfast “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;” Lamentations 3:22 ESV
GOD’S LOVE is that which we must hold on to this year and we will not be disappointed.