He is the King of Kings.
Yet He was born like a pauper.
The bible tells us there was no room for his family in the inn. They had to make do with a stable. “She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them.” Luke 2:7 NLT
And I am so glad it happened that way. Because if it did not, which one of us could stand a chance?
In the world today, when the so called “movers and shakers” or “rich and famous” gather, not just anyone is welcome there. Only a certain calibre of people get invited and such events are very strictly by invitation only. Gate crashers are not welcome. They could be arrested or mistaken for terrorists or assasins and be incarcerated.
Yet a woman with an issue of blood, (an outcast back in the day) not only crashed the train of the King of kings, she touched His garment and she was healed immediately. A leper, another outcast, came to Him and was also healed. Some guys crashed through the roof to get their friend to Jesus and they were not sent away; they got what they came there for and their friend was healed and made whole. Jesus did not turn away a wealthy man (Nicodemus) who came to Him under the cover of night. He answered Nicodemus and told him what he wanted to know. When a Roman centurion approached Jesus, Jesus attended to his needs and even commended his great faith. Jesus did not condemn the woman who was caught in the very act of adultery.
In all, Jesus was accessible to everyone. He never discriminated against or looked down on anyone.
What a King!
What a Saviour!
What a LORD!
The birth of The One who created the whole earth could have been celebrated elaborately for all the world to know that the King had come. His first coming could have been announced with every pomp and pagaentry. The very best physicians and midwives could have been in attendance at His birth at the most renowned and very best hospital or He could have been home birthed at the most spectacular or impressive palace of that time. And quite honestly if any of that had been the case, it would not have been out of place. It would have been fitting for the King of kings, the Son of God. We are talking the Birth of The Prince of Peace here. Royalty does not get any better than that. But His birth was announced to shepherds in a field at night. Not to the kings and princes of the time. Yet if Jesus had come with all the trappings, He might have been seen as a Saviour for only an exclusive few.
And so God became flesh, from the womb of a virgin, in a manger. He came that way just so that all would be included and no one would ever feel left out or that Jesus did not come for them. JESUS CAME FOR US ALL.
Salvation is free and it is for everyone; whoever will accept Him is welcome. It does not matter who you are or where you have been. God loves you regardless. God loves you enough to send His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for you.
Access to Salvation is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our LORD and our personal Saviour.
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” Luke 4:18, NIV
Jesus Himself is the Good News. And He came to the poor, to the broken hearted, to those who are bound, depressed and oppressed. Because Jesus has come, the vilest offender has received a pardon, lepers have been cleansed and restored, the sick are healed and the dead have been received back to life. Not by anyone’s smartness but only because Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly.
Because Jesus has come, I have personally been upgraded from being without a father to having the best Father ever. Jesus came to reconcile us to God, that we may know Him as ABBA, Father!
Christmas is all about JESUS, the most precious and priceless gift of a Father to His children.
Have you accepted Jesus yet as your LORD and personal Saviour? There is no better time than now to do so.
God bless us all as we have a very Merry Christmas.