I love to hold my son by the hand and lead him to the gate of his school where I hand him over to the teacher on duty. There are times, when there is a queue of cars so that I have to park a little farther away from the school gate and at such times my son will hold on so tight because then we have to walk accross the road to the gate. He will not let go of my hand until we are safely on the other side.

Just as it is necessary for me to help my son go accross the road to get to his school, it is important and absolutely necessary for us to let God lead us always. That is the only safe way to do life. Any other way would end up in a disaster with grave consequences.

There are times we have very strong feelings or intuition about doing something. It could be for things as simple as what to wear, what to eat, what route to drive by or as serious as choosing a life partner, starting a business venture, education for our children or where to live. All these are things that we should commit to the LORD so that we can be guided by Him on the best path to tread.

God should be the only One we turn to when we need direction regarding issues in our lives. The Word of God is very clear about this. Hear what is written in the book of Proverbs. “Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 NLT

What plans do we have for maybe the next year? For our families, our children, our careers and our businesses? Have we committed them to the LORD? Let us do that and see ourselves succeed.

When king Saul went to war with the Amelekites, who had been unkind to the Israelites when they left Egypt, he was ordered by God to destroy absolutely everything. But he rejected God’s leading through the prophet Samuel and the consequences were far reaching. “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’ But Saul and the army spared Agag and the best of the sheep and cattle, the fat calves and lambs—everything that was good. These they were unwilling to destroy completely, but everything that was despised and weak they totally destroyed.” 1 Samuel 15: 3 & 9. NIV Not only did God take away the kingdom from Saul and give to another, it also turned out that one of the descendants of Agag, who they spared, was Haman, the prosecutor of Israel who wanted the Isrealites wiped out. (As recorded in the book of Esther). Let God lead and let us follow.

Another king who did not always follow God’s leading was David though he was very special to God. There was a time that it was mandatory for kings to go to war. But David had become complacent and comfortable with his victories that he did not see the need to go. So he sent Joab, his Commander-in-Chief to lead the Israelites. Sadly, the consequences of this were devastating. In scandal after scandal, he committed adultery and murder and his relationship with his family fell to shreds. His own son, Absalom wanted to kill him. These actions of David show that he did not go as was led by God. When we are wise in our own eyes and do not ask God for guidance, it is easy to lose our way and fall flat on our face. The Word of God tells us this: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105 KJV For every step we want to take the Word of God should be our guide. When we do as God instructs and leads us we will always be victorious.

Look at Gideon, a judge in Israel, who was so timid and yet when God came to him, God addressed him as “mighty man of valour”. Though he was doubtful of this title and asked God for signs to confirm that it was indeed the the LORD speaking to him, Gideon still went as the LORD directed him reducing an army of about thirty-two thousand men to just three hundred. Gideon never said the men were too few. He went as led by God and they were victorious.

God wants to hold our hands and show us which way to go. But are we willing to put our hands in his? Are we willing to do it His way? His way might not seem clear at first but can we at least trust Him enough to move in the direction He leads?

When we let God lead, we can rest and be assured that our paths will not be crooked. 

When we let God lead, we will be at peace and can do away with all anxiety and fear. 

When we let God lead, He will show us the best way to go. 

When we let Gid lead, we will be victorious and successful. 

Dear friends, there is way too much out there that we cannot see. But God sees all and wants to help us navigate our way to get to an expected end.