Junior was getting ready for school. His lunch bag had been packed with his favourite meal of spaghetti and meatballs, some carrot sticks and some fruits plus a ‘gallon‘ of water as his mother loved to tease him about his big blue water bottle.
He had put his back pack on his back. Not much in there so that was easy. Just a spare vest, pair of shorts and a tee shirt with his homework folder. Very light indeed.
He began to struggle with the lunch bag. “Moooom” Junior eventually called, “I need some help with my lunch bag. It’s so heavy. Please mom, can you help me bring it out to the car?”
“That’s alright Junior. I’ll get it.” mum replied and smiled. “You go along and I will be right behind you.” She never ceased to marvel at how her son was growing in wisdom and in stature. She was forever grateful.
And then all of a sudden she felt Junior tugging at her skirt. She turned around surprised “What is it sweetie?” Junior began “Emm, mooom, please let me have the lunch bag now. I am not sure you can manage very well on your own with it. Let me have it please. I will take it to the car myself.”
Mom stared open mouthed at Junior and thought “what is this child about?” Then she said “Dont be silly Junior. Of course I can manage. Besides I do not see any extra pounds on you since the last time you asked me to help you carry this lunch bag.” Then he said to her “Mom, I think maybe we can carry it together. So it will not be too heavy for you.”
Mom laughed out loud and said “Junior, it is certainly not too heavy for me. Let us go now shall we? We must not get you late to school”. And Junior had no choice but to do as mom said and off they went to school.
Dear friends, how many times are we in the place of “Junior” going back and forth with our “double breasted” ABBA? To be or not to be. Should I or should I not tell it to Jesus? How many burdens, cares, troubles, weights and worries are we refusing to let go of even after we have cast them unto Him? He has told us “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NLT He said to give ALL. Not the ones we perceive are big ones. He said ALL.
How many times do we take it to the LORD in prayer in the night before we go to sleep and yet wake up and realise that we have somehow found a way to go snatch it back from Him?
That is us doing a “Junior” on God. How did Junior think his lunch bag was too heavy for his mum to carry? Yet this is exactly how it appears when we do not let go of our cares: as if God cannot handle our burdens.
I cast a burden on Jesus sometime ago before going to bed. And as I was drifting off to sleep I thought : “This is great. I should do this more often.” as it felt really good. Needless to say I slept like a baby. But after waking up the next morning, I found myself going to worry again and then I burst out laughing at myself. “Yinka!!! why have you gone back to carry your baggage from ABBA, are you not tired of this hunchback?”
We need to stop being silly. Going back to collect the baggage that we gave to God will only weigh us down, slow us down, hunch our backs and even create all kinds of medical conditions. Let us be wise.
No load is too small or to great to give to the LORD. “Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” Psalms 55:22 NLT
Not only will He take the load off of us, He will care for us too. He will keep us grounded. And quite frankly, its easier when someone else carries our heavy baggages. We will walk smart not bumping into things all over the place; we will also walk free. Fancy sauntering along like we have ABSOLUTELY NO CARES IN THE WORLD! Because we have cast all our cares upon the LORD!