Relationships are a very big deal any which way we look at them. Some relationships have been known to cause anger, bitterness, pain and all kinds of negative emotions. Some relationships have been the physical death of some people. While it is the case that there could be untold emotional damage in “wrong” relationships, being in the “right” relationship could be the very reason why others excel or come into their own. Some people have found such great help and support in their relationships that they have literally been propelled into greatness riding on the back of another. Sadly this is not the case with everyone.
I have personally discovered that there is one relationship we must never put on the back burner. That is our relationship with the LORD. This relationship is so important, it is pivotal to the success of every other relationship we will ever have with anybody else. It is the glue that will bind all other relationships together. Therefore, we must first be comfortable with and confident in our relationship with the LORD before we can enjoy a wholesome relationship with anyone else. In order to be comfortable with and to have confidence in a person, we must trust that person. And for the most part we tend to trust people we are certain will never betray us, disappoint us or fail us no matter what happens. In most cases we will have to get to know someone before we can come to trust them and we can only get to know them by spending time with them or learning about them from other people. Are we then spending quality time with the LORD by studying His word or are we learning about Him from others? Are we getting to know Him?
How we get along in our relationship with the LORD will have a profound effect on how we get along with others. The little or big things that would normally cause anger, irritation or unforgiveness will somehow not matter anymore. To admit one’s wrong and to forgive another will no longer be a big deal. The more we get to know the LORD, the easier it will be to get along and to live with other people too. Knowing the LORD is to know that He loves us deeply. “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:7-8, 11 NIV
It is therefore wise and important to help our children and grand children start a relationship with the LORD early in life. It will yield the best results ever. Let them start and end their day with the LORD. Teach them that God is a loving Father and that He loves them deeply. It will help them place a higher value on themselves when they know they are loved. This knowledge will also build up their confidence as they grow older such that issues of low self esteem will never arise.
Whenever we need to stand up in the face of trials and temptations, we can anchor on to the confidence and trust we have in the LORD. He will not fail us. “I am always aware of the LORD’s presence; he is near, and nothing can shake me.” Psalm 16:8 Good News Translation
Whether we are children or parents, single or married, husbands or wives, employers or employees, leaders and business executives, professionals, siblings or team mates; the most important relationship we must develop is the relationship with our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. It will help us navigate our way around every other relationship.