A little while ago, I sat with friends at an event when one of them suddenly brought up the topic of what will happen when we make it to heaven.

He said there will be loads of surprises.
(That is definitely a given.)
He said we will see some people whom we never really heard much about while on earth and others that we never thought would make it. (First surprise) And we will ask who are these, I never knew or heard their ministry. Where was their church? And so on and so forth.
The second surprise would then be that we will not see a lot of people that were popular Christians and Church leaders. And then we will ask “but ehmm… What about so and so? Ah ah where are they? Are they not here yet? But they left the other side before me! Where are they?” (Almost screaming as we say that.)
Then finally we will check to be sure that this is really heaven and then maybe ask “So how on earth did I get in if those big ones did not make it? “

And as I thought on all these things, some scriptures came to mind.
“Don’t you know that wicked people won’t inherit the kingdom of God? Stop deceiving yourselves! People who continue to commit sexual sins, who worship false gods, those who commit adultery, homosexuals,1 Corinthians 6:9 God’s Word Translation
As long as people who call themselves believers indulge in any of the above, they will not make heaven. It is clearly spelt out. It does not matter how many people were blessed by their ministry on earth if they continue in all these things. Heaven will not be their eternal home.
And this took me to the next scripture “Then Peter replied,” I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right.” Acts 10: 34-35 NLT
Dear friends, forget about the titles. They do not move God. He is interested in those who revere Him and those who do right.
Then finally I thought to myself that if there is anything we are doing on earth for the kingdom of God, no matter how small it might appear to us or to others; it is a big deal in heaven. Yes! If you are doing things to advance the kingdom of heaven on earth it is a big deal. Please never think you or the part you are playing is insignificant. No, it is not! God sees you and He sees you clearly.
Are you the one who always encourages co workers, friends and family members, keep doing that, God sees you.
Are you the one who volunteers to go to the rehab centre every weekend, God sees you. Do you volunteer on the church welfare service unit, God sees you. Are you the one who manages to squeeze out some money to help that cousin or junior colleague who is struggling in this season, though you are dealing with your own issues as well? God sees you. Please do not stop what you are doing.
People down there definitely need help but so do highly placed people as well.
We all need to be encouraged.
Even a smile will go a long way. A text message to check up on someone who is bereaved. You must not be calling that brother only when you need his assistance. 

Hear what Jesus said in this parable “The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 NIV

Yes there is a lot of pressure and tension now but we must not lose hope.
We are all part of the body of Christ.
And nobody has an insignificant role to play. No believer is redundant. We are not here to make up numbers.
Just like our bodies have different parts some are more visible and yet the parts that are not seen cannot afford to be neglected or ignored. No part of our bodies is idle.. 

Take for example the technical team in a church. They handle sound and visuual effects yet we do not see them. If they were not there there would be a gap. How about the cleaners? Do we even pay them any attention? Yet they make huge sacrifices to be there early or even the day before to get the place ready. Imagine sitting in the main auditorium of a church and foul smells pervade the whole atmosphere from unflushed toilets? Or fancy everyone parking their cars just about anywhere because nobody cares to direct the traffic and create a flow that makes for easy movement in and out of the church area.
Our assignments go beyond the church though. From Monday to Saturday what are we doing? Some people will never step foot in the church yet they interact with believers daily. Are we letting our lights shine for men to see?

Do our lives preach sermons that can convince people to give Jesus a try or are we trying to fit in and blend into the ways of the world?
Dear friends, let us never be so consumed by whatever situation we find ourselves in that we forget that our journey does not end here. We cannot afford to be chasing money, power, positions and titles so much so that we do not care about others around us. If indeed you are a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, live each day with eternity in view.
Because one day, this journey will end.

When we get to heaven, what or who will we see? I honestly do not know. 

Just make sure that  YOU & I get there!