I hear the Lord speak

And it’s very profound.

“He was greatly surprised because the people did not have faith”………. Mark 6:6 (Goodnews)

I find it strange that Jesus is surprised at our lack of faith.

Luke 18:1-8 tells us the parable of the widow who kept going to the ‘unjust judge‘ to avenge her of her adversary.

Jesus refers to her act of continually troubling the judge ( who eventually avenges her) as an act of faith.

This simply means that when we do not believe God about something He says He will do; when we express doubt or when we give up easily what we are in effect doing is rejecting Him the way He was rejected in Nazareth.

The consequence of this is just as it happened in Nazareth.  He will be unable to do any miracles in our lives.

How often do we give up when we ask and do not receive it now?

How many times are we discouraged when we knock and no one opens the door right away?

When we seek and find not why are we quick to abandon the search?

This is what He says: “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”  Luke 18:8

Need I say more?

Your persistence is your faith!

Your rugged determination is your faith!

Your pursuit of excellence is your faith!

Your resolve is your faith!

Your strong will is your faith!

Your doggedness is your faith!

Your passion is your faith!

Tell Him you believe. ………….HAVE FAITH!!!

Oluyinka Ego-Martins ©