Anything that matters to us matters to our Heavenly Father. And it is perfectly alright for us to talk to him about it.
There is so much happening around the world now. Turn on the news; sad and gloomy all day long. Social media is not any better. And people are also dealing with and passing through all kinds of personal challenges threatening their health, their finances, their children, their marriages, their businesses and their very lives even. There is a way out and we must take it before things get worse.
Over the past couple of months, I have written a few articles celebrating the Love of God for us. I wrote how He expresses His love for us in so many ways and how Jesus is the greatest expression of that love. I also wrote that the knowledge of His love for us is therapeutic. Today, I bring more encouragement to us all. I will share my personal experience with us.
As I was listening to a song by Marty Nystrom (Rest In Your Love) God began to speak to me through the song;
He encouraged me to trust in the truth that He is a good God. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.” Psalms 136:1 NIV
He further encouraged me to set my thoughts on peaceful things above, the first of which is that HE LOVES ME PASSIONATELY! It is a thought that gives me peace and always brings a smile to my face. It is a thought that calms me. As we continued into the song, He asked me to cast away my cares and to find joy in His presence. And I am asking myself “How do I get into Gods presence?” And He says to me “PRAISE! PRAISE! PRAISE!” It is not about putting on a show for anybody but just me and my voice and my tambourine. He will come and be there. “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel” Psalms 22:3 KJV “In thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore” Psalms 16:11b KJV
As the song went on God told me to take all my doubts, my fears and my strivings and lay them down at His feet where they belong. And there were many doubts and fears. The weight of them had been getting too much and it was such a relief to do this. I was only too happy to put them down. Then I paused at strivings, wondering why it was on the list of things I had to lay down. To strive means to make great effort to achieve or obtain things or to struggle or fight vigorously. And then I realized that I had also been striving way too much and it seemed like I was getting no results. And He said to me: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11: 28 KJV
I knew then that it was time to stop struggling and hand everything over to Him. But again doubt crept in and I began to wonder “Can I trust that? Can I trust Him enough to just lay all down at His feet?” Can I just stop struggling and watch Him take care of everything that is bugging me?” So I knelt down and literally began to carry item by item of doubt and fear and striving in the palm of my hands and put them on the floor beside me “at His feet”. Then I got up and got me some good old praise and had a whale of a time dancing, singing, clapping and leaping for joy. I thanked God for the experience and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
A couple of days after that I woke up to all manner of good news that was enough to melt away the fears and the doubts and also to reassure me that indeed, GOD LOVES ME PASSIONATELY! That God does truly care for me. And He will make a way even where there is no way.
All this because I dared to lay all my anxious fears down at His feet and found a way to REST IN HIS LOVE. And resting in His Love is what I do now. Never passing up a moment to physically lay things down at His feet and have a praise jam. This is the way out. And I am loving every minute of it.