Having worked in hospitality for a while, setting up buffets is always exciting because it is an opportunity to showcase a lot of items on the menu that guests do not know about. It is also a very colourful affair especially at the salad bar or at the vegetable medleys. A buffet is defined as a “meal at which all the food is put on a table and people go and choose what they want” (Macmillan dictionary)
A name is a set of words by which someone (or something) is known, addressed or referred to. A name is a form of identification. Some people are named after family members while some names are given based on the current circumstances of the parents of the child. Others are named in anticipation of great things to come to the family or simply as prophesies so that whenever such a name is called, a prophecy is literally being declared.
I bring to you today, a “buffet” of names; a buffet because we are expected to serve ourselves depending on whatever we are in the mood for. When we eat at a buffet, there is always so much to choose from but we do not eat everything on display. If you are in the mood for a salad you will go for it. If what you fancy is a roast then you will opt for it. And at the end of the meal we are expected to be satisfied.
Please let me introduce you to the One whose names are like no other. His name is JESUS. He has a name that is higher than any other. He is not named after any ancestors, (well….except for maybe three (I think) ; Son of David, Root of Jesse and Lion of the tribe of Judah.) His names are not about the circumstances that surrounded His birth neither are they about expectations of future events. He is His names and His names are Him. Whatever name you call Him is exactly who He is or will be to you. Please feel free to serve yourself from what is set out before you below. However the following list is nowhere near all of His names. These are just a few.
So for example if you feel hopeless right now let Him be your HOPE . “O Lord, you alone are my hope. I’ve trusted you O Lord, from childhood.” Psalms 71: 5 NLT
He is our Advocate; He pleads our case with the Father when we have done wrong. 1 John 2 : 1
If we should feel empty inside let us call on the Bread of Life and He will fill us up. John 6:35
He is a mighty Deliverer and will deliver us from evil all the time. Psalms 91: 3
My earthly father went to be with Lord twelve years ago but I have a Father forever. He is the Everlasting Father. Isaiah 9:6
I never have to question His fidelity. He is Faithful and True, He never cheats and never lies to me. Rev.19:11
He is the Good Shepherd. He cares for me and laid down His life for me. John 10:11
I am so happy that He dwells with me. He is called Immanuel – Isaiah 7:14
He can never be deposed and He will never be succeeded by another because He is the King of kings. Revelations 17:14
He was the ultimate sacrifice for all our sins . The Sacrificial Lamb of God. John 1:29
With Him by our side we will never be in the dark. He is the Light of the world. John 8:12
Whenever we displease the Father, He will bring us back to Him. He is our Mediator. 1 Tim. 2:5
We need not fear in the midst of any storm. He is the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6.
Quit running around for prophesies. Let Him prophesy unto you. He is a Prophet. Mark 6:4
If we get overwhelmed we can go to Him, He is the Rock. Psalms 61:2
With Him you will never be stranded or suffer from claustrophobia. There is always a way out. He is the Door. John 10:9
There is so much more on the buffet menu. But there is not enough room here to display them all. So depending on what you are looking for feel free to serve yourself from the buffet of the names of Jesus and He will reveal Himself to you.
Tonight He is my Light. Every darkness will be dispelled as I lay me to sleep. What is He to you today?