There is a place after COVID 19. And we should not be so overwhelmed right now that we will not be able to fit in when that time comes. Because, that time will surely come.
We will not remain locked in or locked down forever. But will we go back to business as usual? Or will we just go on and take off where we left off? Most certainly not. A lot has changed already. We have changed. We are learning to do new things and to do old things in a new way. I believe that most have come to the realisation that some things we thought we could never live without are not even as important as all that. Things like the structure and organisation of office life, a nine-to-five job, parties, hanging out with friends, eating out, dressing up to the nines, being all “glammed” up, face beats, clubbing, night crawling and so on. We have done without and been without these things for more than ten weeks now and the earth has not stopped spinning. Some of us will come out stronger and better, others will remain as was before the lock down, while some will melt down. There are a lot of threats out there right now. Some jobs will be lost, some businesses will fold up, some relationships will break down irretrievably, some investments will yield no returns. Yet some will start new jobs, build new businesses and start new relationships. The future does not have to be bleak. We must position ourselves for life after COVID 19. How are we preparing? How are we equipping ourselves? What are we watching, reading and listening to? What are we allowing into the sacredness of our minds/hearts and our thoughts? What are we choosing to believe? There is way too much information out there and some are just so untrue it’s unbelievable. Do not be quick to read all the news on social media and do not be in a hurry to watch the videos either.
“Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 God’s Word Translation
Whether we believe it or not, what we expose ourselves to is embedded in our subconscious and may influence the way we do things. King David was exposed to the nakedness of Bathseba and he was unable to tear himself away from what he saw until he acted on it. He knew he was careless with his heart and he asked for mercy. “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalms 51:10 KJV It all started with what he saw. How many “Bathsebas” are we viewing? They have the potential of making a mess of our futures if we do not caution ourselves. Acts of violence and so much hatred are being displayed openly, but we do not have to keep feasting our eyes on them. I once read an article about how teenagers trained and recruited by ISIS were made to see and hear violence all day such that it became their reality and mentality.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 English Standard Version Though our moving out and about might be locked down, our sense are roaming free; they are all over the place. But if we put them on a leash it can help us renew our minds.Let us control what we take in and do more of the following: committing the word of God to memory as often as possible, praying, being expectant of good things, praising God, dancing, listening to and singing hymns, and even resting from social media! The outside influence from there that filters into our very soul is not the best for us especially at a time like this. We do not need the fear and panic being created there. That is enough to discourage us. Instead we can read a good book, learn a new skill or register for an on-line course. There are a lot of free ones running now.
Finally, I leave us with this: “I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.” Jeremiah 29 : 11 God’s Word Translation