I heard this true story some time ago.
A man and his wife were planning the wedding of their son. It was such a thing of joy and they were very happy. All the preparations were getting on fine. And then somewhere along the line some obstacles began to rear their ugly heads and it was not looking good.
Then there began panic and fretting. How to sort this out? How to handle these challenges? One morning they both got up and decided that they must go to see the Pastor of their church to speak a blessing over the wedding plans and preparations and give them a word to run with. As it is written “And the LORD answered me: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2 English Standard Version
On getting to the Pastor, he was able to calm them down. He assured them that everything was going to work out fine. He then proceeded to share with them and asked them to go to a particular scripture from where he was going to take his text. And then he began “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son.” Matthew 21:2 NIV Well the Pastor could go no further when suddenly the mother of the groom jumped up and said, “I am not the king.” And Pastor said “Exactly.”
That was all the word she needed. It became a chant; a chorus; a mantra. And she began to run. It became her vision, written on the tablet of her mind and it was as clear as day. If she was not the king, then the king should take care of this wedding banquet for his son, after all they were just custodians. The more she said this, the more overwhelmed she became with such peace and she knew beyond any doubt that all would be well.
It was told of how she would wake up every morning and say in a loud voice: “I am not the king.”
That particular scripture, which is a parable in the book of Matthew, is used to teach about how God’s chosen race, the Jews refused to accept Jesus and how eventually the good news was brought to the Gentiles. (“But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” Acts 2:21 NLT)
The word of the LORD is dynamic. The same scripture could minister differently to different people. Yet on many occasions the very same scripture ministers differently to the same person at different times.
From the point of revelation when the mother of the groom realized that neither she nor her husband were the king, they were able to give everything over to God (The King of all kings) trusting completely that He would see to the wedding banquet of His son. They recorded testimonies of favour after favour from far and wide. And needless to say it was indeed a banquet for the Kings son.
Have we realized yet that we are not the king? That there is a king who rules in the affairs of men – He is the LORD, He is Jesus. He is all we need in any and every situation. If we would only go to Him, rather than get anxious, get upset, get worked up or get worried about things. He is our helper. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalms 46: 1 English Standard Version
Whatever we are going through now be assured that there is an answer in the Word of God. Do not fret. Look for it and run with it.