Very many years ago, I was at a church service when a young man came up to the microphone to give his testimonies. He said he had three things to share. Somehow, I only ever remembered the last one where he said; “…And my wife has finally lost the weight she has been trying to lose.” Wooow!! Glory!! I clapped so hard. It turned out that I was one of the very few people who applauded that testimony because I could totally relate to it especially as I had been struggling with my weight too. What the testimony had done was to encourage me and I believed all hope was definitely not lost for me as well. But most people were like “Is that even a testimony? Please talk about more important things.”
The thing is that there are a myriad of issues that people are struggling with on a daily basis. And different things are important to different people. For some, it is a cheating spouse, a sickly child, a life threatening health condition, a HIV positive status, a rape, a rebellious child, infertility, a job loss, financial “non-existence”, a terminal ailment….; it really could be anything. We would normally pray and fast about these things and believe God for a miracle. They would be on our prayer request list if we were asked to drop one in a box. And honestly, it is fine to do all these spiritual activities. Because with God all things are possible.
However, what about those things that people rarely talk about yet to the carrier it is a matter of life and death? What about acne, being slightly overweight, being too thin, hair loss, wrinkles, exam failure, excessive sweating, visible scars from a past accident, a speech disorder like stammering, a very large bust line or no bust line at all for a lady, a man struggling with his wife’s larger income, compulsive eating? We might be truly shocked to learn of some of the issues that regular people deal with. Or issues that even make others entertain thoughts of suicide. So we should never make light of others struggles. And it is definitely a good thing to fast and pray about these too.
So today I bring you great news. No matter what it is, if it matters to you, it matters to God. Listen to what He says “What is the price of five sparrows–two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” LUKE 12: 6 – 7 NLT We are of such great value to Him that God gave up His only Son in our place as sinners. So what ever could the matter be that He will not find a way to help us out of it? “Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 GOOD NEWS TRANSLATION
But how can He help you if you do not tell Him about it? Then how can you tell Him about it if you do not have a relationship with Him? And how can you possibly have a relationship with Him if you do not know Him? Knowing Him is so much more than being a parishioner at the largest church in the city,or being a prayer warrior, or paying tithes and offerings. Knowing Him has to do with spending quality time with Him. The One we spend time with is the One we will know. Otherwise He will remain a stranger to us. Let us then spend time studying the word, spend time praising Him, spend time worshipping, fasting and praying and therein will we find out more about Him and how He can help us deal with issues.
There is not yet anything that is new to our Heavenly Father and that He cannot handle.
He loves us more than we can ever imagine. Nothing is too small or to big for Him to help us with.