MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!christ-star1

The sky is filled with stars so bright,

And all around is light.

But there is One special star………

And nothing! It’s glow, can bar………

Wise men see it and rejoice,

In worship and adoration they lift up one voice,

Beautiful presents they bring,

That, which is deserving for a king!.

Yes! It’s the season when we give and receive,

And I pray it will never be a season to grieve.

Always a time to celebrate with good cheer,

The birth of one who loves us so dear.

Birthdays are a time of celebration,

And this one is no exception.

A child is born, a son is given,

Emmanuel; God with us livin’,

And like the words of that old Carol say;

“The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight”

Bring Him your every hope,

He will help you to cope,

And bring Him the fears,

He will wipe away all tears.

So let us, with the herald angels, sing,

Praises and glory to our God and King.

Have yourself a merry Christmas! 


Oluyinka Ego-Martins ©