The “Crown Jewels” of the United Kingdom, is a term used to describe a collection of about one hundred and forty ceremonial objects of diverse shapes and sizes that are used when occasion demands or kept for public display under very tight security and bomb proof glass at the Jewel House at the Tower of London. Some of the most important items in the “Crown Jewels” are the St. Edward’s Crown which is worn once by any monarch (at their coronation) and the Sovereign’s Sceptre with Cross which has the Cullinan I diamond incorporated into it. The Cullinan, the largest diamond ever mined was discovered in South Africa in 1905 and presented as a gift to King Edward VI. It is also called the Star of Africa. No doubt only the very best gemstones are used in the objects that make up the “Crown Jewels” and they must have been painstakingly set.
The Christian Advent Season officially commenced on the first Sunday in December (1st December, 2019) and it is the season that we are reminded that Jesus is coming again to take us home to the Father. No matter how long it appears to be taking, be certain that He has not forgotten about us, He will definitely come just as He promised He would. A hymn that came to mind a few weeks ago which inspired this article is ” When He Cometh” by, William Orcutt Cushing. (December 31, 1823,-October 19, 1902.) Though it’s said to be a children’s hymn, I believe it speaks to each and everyone of us. Here are the words below:
When he cometh, when he cometh
to make up his jewels,
all his jewels, precious jewels,
his loved and his own.
He will gather, he will gather
the gems for his kingdom,
all the pure ones, all the bright ones,
his loved and his own.
Little children, little children
who love their Redeemer,
are the jewels, precious jewels,
his loved and his own.
Like the stars of the morning,
his bright crown adorning,
they shall shine in their beauty,
bright gems for his crown.
William Orcutt Cushing. (December 31, 1823,-October 19, 1902.)
The hymn tells us that Jesus will come and that He is coming to gather jewels to adorn His crown. The jewels He is coming to gather are precious, pure and shining bright. And they know and love Him as their Redeemer. When Jesus comes He will expect to find us that way, just like little children, pure innocent, bright eyed with joy. Remember He told us “Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 KJV
And when we are like this, He will protect us always. There will be no need to fear. “And the Lord their God shall save them on that day As the flock of His people; For they are like the [precious] jewels of a crown, Displayed and glittering in His land.” Zechariah 9:16 AMP It is now very clear that the jewels in a crown are very valuable. They must not be allowed to be tampered with. And that is why the Lord Himself will come to our rescue. The “Crown Jewels” are under tight security but we, are the Lord’s Jewels, precious in his sight, our security is even tighter. “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalms 91:10-11 KJV Also when we reverence Him and do His bidding, we are precious in His sight. He pays attention to us. “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Malachi 3:16 -17 KJV
As we await the second coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, let us know that we are more precious and more valuable to Him, than the “Crown Jewels”. And He always keeps His promise.