The City,
It never sleeps (or so they said);
There is a hustle, there is a bustle,
All day long, and all night long,
Whatever you need is there,
With lots more to spare,
Men are power dressed like it’s a show,
Women are not left out, they are aglow,
The competition is tight,
They work with all their might,
All for money, all for fame,
All for glory, that’s why they came.
Then suddenly, there is a lull;
Not business as usual at all!
It seems there is a lion without,
People are no longer out and about.
There is doubt, there is fear
And even the skies now look drear.
Finally the city shuts down and falls asleep.
It is called “The big apple”; “The city of dreams”; “The empire city,” “The city so nice they named it twice”, “The city that never sleeps.”
Yes that’s New York alright. But guess what? Right now it is asleep. The terror of COVID 19 has been unleashed all over the world and it respects nobody. Even New York has gone into a Corona virus lock down.
I have come to remind us about the One who will never slumber nor sleep. He can NEVER be locked down and no matter what is going on, He is working behind the scenes. The words of the song GOD IS WORKING written by Carol Cymbala and sung by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir say it aptly.
God is working;
He’s still working
God is working even now
Though we often don’t know just how
God is working, He’s still working
God is working even now.
Though we cannot see
And we can’t quite understand
Remember God is still in control
He has promised to see you thru somehow
And He’s working even now
Our God is our keeper. We are told that “the protector of Israel doesn’t doze or ever get drowsy”. Psalms 121:4 Contemporary English Version. Under no circumstances, whatsoever will He leave us and go to sleep, not even now. That means He is with us through all this and He will preserve us. “The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.” Psalms 121:7 KJV
I pray that the One who never sleeps nor slumbers will stay awake and stand guard over all our cities, towns and even villages. After all “Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.” Psalms 127: 1b NLT. Let us therefore lift up eyes to Him alone for only He can help us now. We must adhere to all instructions given to us by those in authority and keep praying that the keeper of Israel will keep watch over us all.
No virus will sneak into our dwelling places. The Lord our Protector will not let it happen.