Jesus-Twitterimages-1That One Celebrity.

In this fast paced world where everyone is famous for this or known for that, it is easy to get caught up and obsessed with being known and recognised. I remember the first time a celebrity replied a message I sent them, it was a great feeling to know that someone who was significant replied my message. When so and so notices us, we can tend to feel a bit more significant. Most of us are always on top of the world, we take screenshots, post to social media and so on. In essence, this is how we get happy over a celebrity tweeting us or liking a picture of us. We feel they are so important we want acceptance from them, we idolise them and worship them.

What if I told you, that there is “a celebrity”, well maybe not a celebrity but “the celebrity”; the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. The Ancient of Days and the Man of War.

What if I told you, that very King loved you so much he came from his heavenly home to this lowly earth, to die for you. What if I told you that His name is Jesus. In John 3:16, Revised Standard Version (RSV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,

that whoever believes in him should not perish but

have eternal life.

Jesus died for us yet we act so nonchalant about His love, most people would go to different lengths to meet their favourite celebrity, but how about the Holy King who died for us. How far are we willing to go to seek his face and know more of Him. He is always here yet we refuse to call out His name or praise him for who he is. Jesus loves us more than anyone can ever love us. We are so significant and so important to him, so why then do we seek for approval from others? As long as we have our approval in Christ we are complete. We do not need approval from things of the world or what the society tells us. In Romans 8:38-39, the Apostle Paul lets us know that nothing can separate us from the love of God,

38 For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

A song writer said, “If I am worth dying for, this God is worth living for.”

This celebrity, He isn’t far away, He is here, call Him today, let Him dwell in your heart this day.

He has no social media but He is worth following.

Psalms 37:4 (RSV) “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”


IfeOluwa Jaiyesimi©

The Revolutionary Righter.©