Even as the lock down is extended,
The plan of the Lord as originally intended,
Will still be carried out,
So in your mind, have no doubt.
What He has said He will do,
Is exactly what He will do.
He is faithful like that,
And will never leave us flat.
“They shall not be ashamed in the evil time:
and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.” Psalms 37:19
And so for some without a dime:
He asked others to cast them not aside.
They are fed and they are watered,
Especially at the time when it mattered.
And do you remember what the Preacher said?
If you do, then let it sink into your head.
“To every thing there is a season,
And a time to every purpose under the heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3 : 1
So it was, with her ready pen,
I got a reminder from my friend Jen!
“That there is a time to embrace,
And a time to NOT embrace.” Ecclesiastes 3 : 5b
So that new physical distancing thing,
Is exactly for “Now”! so let us not cling.
But there is one thing we must remember,
The world as we know it has changed forever.
Do not be afraid of this change,
But be prepared to rearrange.
And just as He said; know that this too,
Will work for the good of me and you.
So let us look up and look to Him,
The One who will not let things grow dim,
He will always shine bright,
Because of this world, He is the Light.
And as we call on His name,
He will not put us to shame.
He has brought us this far now,
No way will He leave us anyhow.
Once again, trust in the Lord,
To do what He says in His word.
“You will keep in perfect peace, all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26 : 3
Dear friends, as we prepare to gradually ease out of the lock down, let us know that without a doubt it will no longer be business as usual. A whole lot of things have to change. Please do not resist the change but tread cautiously and allow the Lord to guide and direct our paths.
And “IT SHALL BE WELL!” 2 KINGS 4 : 23b.
I leave us with the words from this hymn “THROUGH THE LOVE OF GOD OUR SAVIOUR”; to encourage us as we look forward to a bright tomorrow.
Through the love of God our Saviour,
all will be well.
Free and changeless is his favour,
all, all is well.
Precious is the blood that healed us,
perfect is the grace that sealed us,
strong the hand stretched forth to shield us,
all must be well.
Though we pass through tribulation,
all will be well.
Ours is such a full salvation,
all, all is well.
Happy, still in God confiding,
fruitful, if in Christ abiding,
holy, through the Spirit’s guiding,
all must be well.
We expect a bright tomorrow,
all will be well.
Faith can sing through days of sorrow,
‘All, all is well.’
On our Father’s love relying,
Jesus every need supplying,
in our living, in our dying,
all must be well. – Mary Bowley Peters (1847)