THE ARSENAL There is a “striking” six footer who is currently trending in the world of sports, in the European Football League to be precise. French-born ,Gabonese, professional football player, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang who plays for the German Bundesliga, Borussia Dortmund, is being pursued by Arsenal and the deadline for this transfer, which will cost about €65m, is just a few
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JUBILEE!!! The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Jubilee as a special anniversary. Especially a 50th anniversary or the celebration of such an anniversary. Biblically or spiritually speaking, the Jubilee year proclaims freedom, liberty (from slavery and oppression), restitution, restoration and favour. A year of celebration and jubilation. A year of rest. “And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty
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GOD OUR HELP Our elders in Yoruba land (the predominant ethnic group in South Western Nigeria) have a saying that goes like this “Alanu ko ni won e” which literally means “Helpers will not be far from you”. That is my wish and prayer for us all, in Jesus name. We all need help along the way regardless of whom
RESCUE THE PERISHING When the death of a loved one occurs, we are likely to find ourselves thinking about them, about the times we shared together, whether or not we did enough for them, did we tell them we loved them, did we show them that we cared for them, did we visit them often enough, did we give
THE REAL CROSS OVER “It is NOT the movement of the clock that produces the Newness of Life; it is the movement in your mind”. Bishop T. D. Jake This quote from Bishop T.D. Jakes got me deep in thought and answered a question I had so often asked myself. What is the big deal about the clock moving from
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JESUS SAID “FOLLOW ME.” In secondary school a teacher once told us a story about how we go through life with a “bag”. The different experiences we pass through may warrant us to put things into or take things out of our “bags”. Life happens and we may have to go through many experiences and gather things in our “bags”.
GOD IS WORKING OUT HIS PLAN. Once again the season of good cheer is upon us and I began to wonder how Mary and Joseph might have felt when they had to take the long, tedious and very uncomfortable journey all the way to Bethlehem just because Caesar wanted a census. I mean, they could have thought to give it
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DO NOT FORGET How many times do we forget to do what we said we would do? How many times do we forget even things that are important to us or our loved ones? Sometimes we forget to keep our word, we forget to return calls or emails, we forget to visit our elderly relatives, we even forget birthdays and
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Have you ever wanted a fresh start in life? Some people hope to get a new start by moving to a different city or state. They think they can erase their past failures by going somewhere new. Unfortunately, this never happens. Why? Because they take with them the same old attitudes and habits that guarantee their continued unhappiness. People don’t realize
JESUS HAS BEEN THERE. Only last week, Funmi met a young girl, who appeared to be in a twirl. Well, Funmi asked her what the matter was, and then the young girl started to speak and this is what she said… “Sometimes I find myself in a place; where I just want to hide my face, It is not a
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