I live in a gated community in the city of Lagos. Though a lot of families live there it is not unusual to find empty parcels of land scattered all around. Up until very recently, one of such empty parcels of land was bang in front of my house. I used to love standing at one of the bedroom windows upstairs in my home, looking far out over the horizon sometimes just meditating or lost in thought. I also just loved the free flow of breeze. Well, those days are now sadly gone forever. A few months ago, the plot of land became a building site and has eventually been developed into a residential accommodation. Then it dawned on me that when next I stand at my window upstairs, I will no longer be able to see beyond the front of the new house across the road from me. It also occurred to me that the houses I had been able to see easily on the next street from mine, were no longer visible to me. And this got me thinking about being visible.
Visibility is very important. A pilot or a driver with little or no visibility is a risk in the airspace and on the road and would be putting the lives of a whole lot of people in grave danger. Visibility works in two ways; to see and to be seen; and both ways are very important. When we see, it is easier to navigate our way around without bumping into obstacles. When we are seen, depending on the situation, it could be to our disadvantage or advantage. God forbid, if one is being pursued by attackers, we definitely do not want to be visible to them. And we will not be because it is written; “For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.” Psalms 27: 5 NLT Yet if we are business persons selling goods and providing services we would do all we can to be visible to potential clients. And that is why we continue to advertise our products. Even God wants us to be seen. He will display His splendour on us in the presence of others. “Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind!” Psalms 31:19 ESV And Jesus assured us that God is committed to rewarding us in full view of others when we pray secretly. “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Matthew 6:6 KJV
However, if it is the case that you are beginning to feel and think you are invisible because for instance you are still single at a matured age, or maybe perhaps you are a business person and no one is buying what you are selling, as dire as the situation appears, I bring you good news today. God Himself is bringing you out of obscurity. “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” Isaiah 45: 2 NIV Anything behind a mountain is out of sight. Plus making progress in life when a mountain is in our way is almost impossible. Can any business thrive when people do not even know it is there? Not likely. Anything behind gates is locked up and inaccessible. If our gates are locked up people will just assume we are closed. Anything behind bars of iron is totally out of reach. But God says He is leveling and shattering the mountains that stand in our way. He is breaking down gates. Yipee!! Let us get ready to get very busy with our sales. These are God’s promises to us. And He will make them good. Whatever it is that represents a mountain in our lives is completely shattered today.