ABOUT HONOUR I was seating down at a table in a café, gently sipping on my latte, when I observed a group of six people walk in and go up to the counter to place their orders. When their orders had been filled, only two of the six people carried trays laden with tea pots, cups, saucers, cakes, scones and
GET A GRIP ON YOUR EMOTIONS “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV God has given us a “sound mind” to reason things out with clarity. So why do we keep getting sentimental about issues.? And what exactly does it mean
THE GOD WHO HEARS AND ANSWERS PRAYERS. There is a storm brewing, And it seems like everyone is running. It’s heating up on every side, But the belly of a fish is nowhere to hide. People are afraid and getting confused, And some of them have come unglued. Yes, it has become so very bleak, But God is strong even
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A CURE FOR THAT …………”BUT” He was announced with lofty accolades, Today we read of his great escapades. A captain of the King of Syria’s host, Ever diligent; always at his post. An officer of high repute, And without doubt must have been very astute. A gentleman of great honour, A mighty man of valour. And his name was Naaman;
DIVINE CONTENTMENT. “Blessed assurance Jesus is mine – Fanny Crosby” I love the hymn “Blessed Assurance”, it was written by Fanny Crosby. Crosby was only six months old when she became blind, yet without being able to see all her life she wrote the hymn “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine!” Contentment is arguably a very important feature needed to live
GRACE AND THE OSCAR BLUNDER What a scene of chaos! Horrendously complicated chaos! And what a threat to the reputation of Price Waterhouse Coopers and in particular to the careers of the two directors who were directly involved in the mix up that will be trending for a while to come. Global media is awash with what went wrong at
Continue ReadingSEEK GOD AND LIVE!
SEEK GOD AND LIVE I found this very interesting when I came across it: “For thus saith the Lord unto the house of Israel, seek ye me and ye shall live“. Amos 5:4 KJV Being very familiar with the scripture; “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”
Continue ReadingA LOVE LIKE NO OTHER
A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER I am in love………………With the One who first loved me. I am happy, I am glad, I am ecstatic………….about the Lover of my soul. His name is JESUS; and He gave His life for me. Today I celebrate His steadfast Love that never ceases, The Love that stopped my life from going to pieces. Today
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NO MORE LOSS Oftentimes the stranger comes to make you fall; Bringing a facade that looks friendly to all; But in reality, he seeks to destroy, That which the Shepherd wants you to enjoy; He is the wolf in sheep’s clothing; Who wants to stop the milk from flowing; His tactic is always subtle, You might even think it’s a
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MY LATEST CRUSH!!! I am so excited and just cannot keep still. *wink* * wink* I want to tell you about my latest crush. I am tripping so much over “it”. And by the way, one of the synonyms for the informal use of the word “crush” as used in the title of this article, is “passion”. So about my
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