SOMEBODY has made a mess and NOBODY wants to clean it up.
EVERYBODY looks at the mess and and walks by.
Well, ……….. almost everybody………………… Luke 10:30-37
So when friends stay away; and family does not show up
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother; and He will pick you up
His name is Jesus.
In grief, rejection, regret and pain
He reaches out all over again
Only He can take care of the mess that was made;
As He touches the unclean; and makes it clean.
He will buff you to a high glossy shine.
And you will come out looking o’ so fine
As He does this He will lift up your head
Your Glory, the One who died and bled. Psalm 3:3
Now you can walk tall and stand tall
Because for you He gave His all.
Good work is nothing but a rag……………..Isaiah 64:6
And the bad does not count for swag
But this is what my brother Paul has to say
Christ came to save a sinner today……………..1 Timothy 1:15-16
NOTHING you can ever do ( good or bad) can qualify or disqualify you from the mercy and love of God. Romans 9:15
Just surrender to Him today and let Him clean that mess.
Oluyinka Ego-Martins ©