We all have different memories and different experiences of various events that have taken place in our lives. As the years go by, we remember some experiences fondly and smile while we simply chose to forget others that bring pain. No matter what we experienced, a memory was always birthed in our minds and stored up for a time in the future when we would reflect on it . Right now and in all honesty, I have no idea what most of us are experiencing. In Nigeria, where I live, the total lock down that followed the onset of the corona virus pandemic lasted for a little over a month before it was gradually eased down with curfews and restrictions put in place. And even then life has not returned to the norm we used to know (and I doubt it ever will). There was a lot of fear and panic initially created during the first couple of weeks of the lock down. Subsequently, however, some of us began to do new things. Some began to see opportunities and potential even in the midst of the COVID -19 and they went all out and pursued them. Others took longer but eventually picked themselves up and out of the bondage of fear and uncertainty. But some made no move whatsoever and were lamenting the closure of this or that, or the inability to get professional grooming or hair dressing services. Some were busy lamenting not being able to go on their annual summer vacation and were lost in thought of how they had so much fun last year. Some missed the weekend hangouts with friends, the weddings, birthdays and funeral receptions. A lot of decade starter babies are unhappy because they are not able to celebrate their landmark birthdays in an elaborate way.
Whatever we are missing or grumbling about please let us not allow them rob us of the new things God has promised us. The word of the Lord encourages us to: “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”. Isaiah 43: 18-19 ESV
There is a place for memories as the bible says: “The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.” Proverbs 10:7 KJV But I believe that if a memory will only cause grief, pain, heartache, trauma or regret, it is best left alone in the past. So my charge to us today is that rather than dwell on the things we are not able to do or the things we have no control over, let us begin to create new memories. For starters; let us know that we are not better than those who have been casualties of the corona virus. We are simply partakers of God’s grace, mercy and His great faithfulness. Why not then begin to create memories of celebrating our Father, who has kept us thus far. Let us create new memories of worshipping Him in our homes for those that are not yet able to go to the worship centres. Let us break through the ceilings and roofs of limitations with praise and thanksgiving. {It was JUDAH (praise) who brought forth PHEREZ (breakthrough)}. And let us create new memories of these. And any way, the word of God says: “For the dead cannot praise you; they cannot raise their voices in praise. Those who go down to the grave can no longer hope in your faithfulness. Only the living can praise you as I do today. Each generation tells of your faithfulness to the next.” Isaiah 38:18-19 NLT Yes, we should be telling our children and our children’s children about the faithfulness of God at a time like this while we keep praising Him.
Let us create new memories of appreciating and celebrating the birth and dawning of each new day that God allows us to see knowing that everyone did not get the privilege. No more running off in the mornings in order to beat traffic but rather let us make a conscious effort to thank God. “For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.” Job 12:10 NLT And so if we still have breath in us in the morning, thank Him for it. If you have to wake up a little earlier each day it is worth it.
Remember that as each day passes it can never be brought back to us. We definitely do not want to wake up a few years down the line and look back to the year 2020, see a blank space and then be filled with regret. Being fruitful and productive need not be rewarded in monetary terms. We can do something good for someone. How about we challenge ourselves to create new memories of doing something to make someone smile everyday. Make a call, give a gift, send a note, pay a compliment, offer to do someone’s grocery shopping, send lunch to an aunt, pay someone’s bill, and trust me as we do these we also will be refreshed.