When you have a decision to make,
What course of action do you take?
You will have to choose,
But make sure you do not lose.
Do not go to Balaam;
His stumbling block will not keep you calm. Revelation 2:14 KJV
Indeed some mothers do ‘ave ’em,
Wicked Athaliah, managed her sons affairs at the helm. 2 Chronicles 22:2-3 KJV
Take not counsel from a conspirator against his boss,
His counsel will be foolish and it will be your loss. 2 Samuel 15:37; 2 Samuel 17:14 KJV
Whenever we reject good advice and insist on having our own way knowing it is apparently wrong; we will not make progress.
“They hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart,
and went backward, and not forward.” Jeremiah 7:24-26 KJV
Even when unfriendly friends,
Hire counsellors to frustrate your end, Ezra 4:5 KJV
The Lord will make it of none effect. Psalm 33:10 KJV
So when next you have a decision to make,
Go with godly counsel; you will be blessed for His sake. Psalm 1:1 KJV
Ask the Lord and seek His face,
He will tell you the way to prosper with grace. Judges 18:5 KJV
Stay with the counsellor of peace,
And the joy in your heart will never cease. Proverbs 12:20 KJV
God will instruct and teach you if you ask Him to. Isaiah 28:26 KJV
He is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working. Isaiah 28: 29 KJV
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