At the beginning of the lock down following the onset of the novel corona virus, there was a lot of panic buying and hoarding. I remember seeing a video in which every available space in that home was filled up and being used as storage for all kinds of supplies. The amount of toilet paper alone that was stored up, made it look like a toilet paper production factory. Even some of us here in Nigeria shopped and stocked up our homes like we would survive on it for ever. Yet no matter how much we bought most of it has been exhausted and some of us have restocked quite a few times since then. A lot of storehouses and warehouses all over the world might have been put under pressure, as supermarket shelves were seen to be totally empty. Fights even erupted as people were seen scuffling for the few pieces left of some item or other.
But today, I want to tell you about a storehouse that can never be emptied; regardless of the demand placed on its content. I call it “The Storehouse of Power” and to me that is synonymous with “The Name of Jesus.” Yes! You heard me right. The Name of Jesus is Power packed. There is enough power there in to go round. The woman with the issue of blood took her share and there was still enough for Blind Bartimeaus, and it will never be exhausted. There is a song in my native Yoruba language, and it has been with me for a few days now. This song describes to me just a few of the needs that can be met through this “storehouse of power.” It goes like this:
Oruko Jesu, Ile iso agbara ni,
Iku gbo, o sa,
Arun gbo, o wole,
Ogun aiye mi wole lo,
L’oruko Jesu o di dan dan!
It is translated thus:
The name of Jesus is a storehouse of power,
Death heard the name and ran away,
Disease heard the name and disappeared,
All my life’s battles disappeared,
Definitely so! In the name of Jesus.
(If anyone can give a more accurate translation, please let me have it, thank you very much.)
Some of our most pressing needs now are to be shielded from untimely death, from the plague, from sickness and disease. The Name of Jesus will meet these needs. The word of God says this “The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected.” Proverbs 18 : 10 Christian Standard Bible The shield and protection we need more than anything else right now can be found in the Name of Jesus. But we must first call on that name. Before you call someone by name, there must be an element of familiarity. Are you familiar with Jesus? Is He your friend? There is a link between knowing someone by name and calling out to them. It is not possible to call out to a person whose name you do not know. This name that is a “storehouse of power” is not like any other name. “Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names.” Phillipians 2: 9 NLT Knowing and calling that name also has huge benefits. Here are a few. “I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.” Psalms 91: 14b – 15 English Standard Version
The Name of Jesus is a “storehouse of power.” And as we call upon that name, what we are actually doing is calling upon the power to heal, the power to save and deliver, the power to protect and keep secure; and ultimately the power to help us in our darkest hours. Ask Jonah he knows about that. “He said, “I cried out to the LORD in my great trouble, and he answered me. I called to you from the land of the dead, and LORD, you heard me!” Jonah 2:2 NLT Even in the deep darkness of the belly of a fish the Lord heard Jonah call to Him..
Let us go ahead and call on that name right now. Call Him in thanksgiving, call Him in praise, call him in prayer, call Him in worship, call Him in your hour of need, call Him when there is plenty. Call Him in the morning, afternoon and in the midnight hour, call Him to have mercy on us all. (Blind Bartimeaus did and Jesus restored his sight.) God has assured us that whenever we call, He will hear and answer us. “Call on me in times of trouble, I will rescue you and you will honour me.” Psalms 50: 15 God’s Word Translation And these are seriously troubled times. What better time is there to call upon the name of Jesus than now?