In the past couple of weeks, I have heard sad news after sad news of the deaths of two friends, a former colleague, and some prominent figures in our society. I pray that their souls will rest in peace and that the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father will comfort all their loved ones.
We wake up every morning and for most it’s just another day to go out there and face the world. Some of us prepare for it and some of us do not. Some hop into their cars without so much as a word of prayer to the Creator of the whole world to take charge of all their affairs that day. Some spend hours from as early as 4 a.m. commanding the morning and the day to favour them and to yield forth it’s goodness and bounty unto them. Yet whatever we do we are all at the mercy of God. For scripture records it thus: “For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” Romans 9:15 NIV This is not to say committing the day’s activities to God’s hands is not necessary. We are still the ones who will call forth things that are not as though they were. Therefore we must speak forth what we want to see and still ask God for His mercy. “It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” Romans 9:16 NIV
When people die, the ones mostly hit are family, friends, all those they impacted positively and all those who benefitted from them in one way or another. So I ask us today how is our family life? How are we doing with our friends? Are we impacting any lives positively? Are we being of any value to anyone besides ourselves? I heard of a ninety something year old woman who was ill and one of her vital body organs was weakening. It was said that all her children volunteered to be donors and they had to be told that it was not necessary as mama was already to weak to absorb any transplant probably due to other underlying health issues. So if it were you and I right now in such a predicament would anyone be willing to bend over backwards for us? So many things have become “normalised” in the world today and selfishness and being self centred are up there on the list.
Some of us need to start making amends now. Call up that sister or brother that you have refused to speak to because they offended you. Call your mum, call your dad, call your daughter; she needs you now even if she has been rebellious. Speak softly to her. Let her know you love her. What is more important than family? I believe that God created family for support. The bible tells us “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalms 133:1 NIV A family united is a mega force. They can literally bring down any opposition that dares to stand against them. But when there is division nothing good comes out of it. “Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart.” Mark 3:25 NLT
Where is your family? Are you in touch with them? Are you on speaking terms? People have woken up one day and not seen the end of that day in the land of the living. What if they were holding grudges all about the place? What if their demise could even have been prevented just by calling to tell a spouse or sibling where they were going? Someone who could have insisted they leave it till the next day? But they were on the war path with everyone. There are so many “What ifs” that will be left unanswered on this side of eternity.
Family is more than blood relatiionships. Anybody that you have the capacity to help is family. Please call that person you need to call today and make amends. In the grand scheme of things it is not the end of the world if we were wronged because offences will come anyway. That is one of the reasons why Jesus died for us. He came to heal every wound, especially emotional one’s that we keep carrying about. Too many people are hurting and literally dying from broken hearts, from all kinds of mental health disorders. Jesus can and will heal every wound. Let us call on Him. Let us tell someone about Him.
For you and I, if we have to, let us make amends and mend fences. Call that friend. Check up on the church member you have not seen in a while. Chek up on your colleague who lost his wife, check up on your brother and sister-in-law. Call that friend who lost her mum. Check up on that neighbour. She’s been very withdrawn lately. Call a friend and visit with another friend who lost their job. Visit an elderly relative. Do not wait until it is time to pay last respects. Like a school song I know says “Give service to the living, and honour to the dead.”
Let it not be “just another day” let it be a day that will make a difference in someone’s life. MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY.