TEXT: JOHN 6:35a; – “I am the bread of life:”
It is universally known that bread is eaten daily, while most fruits are available seasonally. That is not the case with bread and definitely not the case with Jesus. Jesus is available all day everyday. He is not a seasonal option and so should be brought to our table every day as we allow Him to nourish our hearts, not just on certain days, weeks, months or on special occasions or events, but on a daily basis.
Bread can meet many needs. So much more can Jesus. He has a word for the lonely as well as for the popular. He’s got help for the Spiritually ill, the physically ill and the emotionally ill. If your vision is clear, He can help you. If your vision is cloudy, He can help you. Jesus can meet each one of us at the point of our needs.
Right now I can think of one other similarity. Consider how bread is made. Think about the process. How wheat grows in the field, then it is cut down, winnowed, and ground into flour. It passes through the fire of the oven and is then distributed around the world. Only by this process does bread become bread. Each step is essential. Isaiah 53:2 NIV; says “He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” Jesus grew up as one of thousands in Israel. Indistinguishable from the person down the street or any child within the neighborhood. Peradventure if you had seen him as a youngster, you wouldn’t have thought he was the Son of God. He was just a boy. One of hundreds, like a staff of wheat in the wheat field.
Like wheat, Jesus was cut down. Like chaff Christ was pounded and beaten. Isaiah 53:5 NIV; says “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Jesus was wounded for the transgressions of others, bruised and crushed for the sins we committed. And like bread our beloved Saviour passed through the fire. On the cross He passed though the fire of God’s anger and God’s judgment, not because of His sin, but because of ours to purify us and make atonement for us to have a relationship of sonship with the Father as He laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Jesus experienced each part of the process of making bread; the growing, the pounding, the firing and the distribution. And just as each stage is necessary for bread, each was also necessary for Christ to become the Bread of life. According to the gospel of Saint Luke 24:26; NLT it is clearly written thus: “Wasn’t it clearly predicted that the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering his glory?”
Brethren, the next part of the process-the- distribution, Christ leaves with us. We are the distributors. We can’t force people to eat the bread, but we can make sure they have it….. The Bread of life is not physical bread, but the bread of spiritual renewal found in the salvation by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus is from everlasting to everlasting the Bread of life, in Him we find eternal life and glory…. Hallelujah!
Let Us Pray:
Father Lord, thank You for Your healing and transformation, I thirst and hunger for abundant life in You.. Turn my sorrow to bread of joy, my despair to bread of hope, my weariness to bread of inspiration.. Lord, I need the bread of heaven to sustain me as I journey to find my way to be one with You till eternity in Jesus name. Amen.