Once again I have the opportunity to share fond memories of a remarkable man, my father ARCHITECT SAMUEL OLUYEMI JAIYESIMI; of blessed memory. It’s twelve years already that he went to be with the Lord. And we are forever grateful to God that has sustained my mother and my siblings thus far. He was indeed a great man who left us with the most precious gift of coming to Jesus. Today my siblings and I remember him with love and fondness and pray that his soul will continue to rest in peace. “I thank my Heavenly Father, for my father who is also in heaven “.
It is only natural that when people go to be with the Lord, their loved ones will try to remember them in any way that they can and especially on the anniversary of their demise. They keep looking for ways to preserve their memory. They can have memorial services, place memorial adverts in the dailies, unveil tombstones, take flowers to the graveside or make donations to the church or to charity in their memory. The list is endless of what one can do in memory of a loved one. However there are some people who will not be remembered. “But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil; he will erase their memory from the earth.” Psalms 34: 16 NLT The word is clear that people who get involved in wicked deeds will bear the wrath of God. God will not have anything to do with them. The kind of judgement passed on them goes beyond their lifetime. It is passed on to their children after them. (That’s terrifying!) Hear what king David said “O God, whom I praise, don’t stand silent and aloof, while the wicked slander me and tell lies about me…. May all his offspring die. May his family name be blotted out in the next generation. Psalms 109 : 1-2, 13 NLT
The wicked, besides never ending well, will also leave behind a lot of problems for their descendants. “The homes of the wicked will burn down; burning sulfur rains on their houses. Their roots will dry up, and their branches will wither. All memory of their existence will fade from the earth; no one will remember their names.” Job 18: 15-17 NLT
Following from the above scriptures, we should make every effort to desist from evil and all those things we do that we know do not please God. There is always room for genuine repentance so that we can turn from our wicked ways. Whatever evil we have been involved in or that we are planning to engage in let us remember our children and grandchildren. Let us not ruin their lives before they are even born. Let us not leave them stranded in a quagmire. The consequences of all our actions are far reaching. Both the good and the bad. We do not have to go out deliberately to create problems for our children. But when we carry on with evil it will not be too long before problems begin to spring up in their lives.
Today we remember our father, Late SAMUEL OLUYEMI JAIYESIMI with love and deep affection. Tomorrow how will our children remember us? Let us make the decision now to stay away from all semblance of evil thoughts, words and deeds. Let us do what we are sure is right at all times and not just because others are watching. Let us act with integrity always.
“The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.” Proverbs 10: 7 KJV
I pray that our names will not rot away.