PREPARATION DAY. Once again we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is a privilege to be able to do so in 2021. When we pay tribute to someone who has passed on, we often end it with the words, “Rest in Peace.” In my native language, Yoruba, there is a saying that goes “Ojo iku
RECOGNIZE JESUS As the Lenten season draws to a close this Passion Week, Easter will be upon us once again. Last year Easter seemed so dismal because everywhere was locked down. Everywhere in the world! We were in the heat of the first wave of the corona virus pandemic and even medical science and the world medical police were at
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RUN YOUR OWN RACE I have a niece who is a super athlete. Whenever I went with them for athletic meets where her club was competing with other clubs, I sometimes heard her coach and her mum celebrate her personal best even if she did not win the race and if her club did not win the competition. There is
MOTHERS OF (GOOD) INFLUENCE The past week has been a continuous celebration of women. And indeed it should be, for we are special like that. (Smile ):) Women generally have been on my mind for a while. I honestly was not going to write about us again today but I am led to do so. Everyone has influence actually and if
A LOVE LETTER TO MY DARLING I love the idea of love. I love to read a love story. I love to go to weddings. Call me a hopeless romantic. It makes no difference to me. I still love “love”. Yesterday, was a day set aside to acknowledge, celebrate and honour women all over the world (International Women’s Day); so
BE GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL A few days ago, I stopped by the pastry shop to pick up a few treats. While waiting in line, a lady walked up to me and asked if the hair on my head was all mine. I kinda rolled my eyes, smiled and answered in the affirmative. Then she said “Wow, your hair is
Continue ReadingIT IS NEVER TOO LATE
IT IS NEVER TOO LATE Yesterday, on my way home from work, I stopped to buy fuel. While the attendant was filling my tank, I allowed my eyes to roam randomly around the petrol station and then they landed on a police van. I observed a man in plain clothes cleaning and wiping down the dust and dirt from the
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WHEN GOD IS WITH YOU So much is happening in the world right now. Each day the news is filled with stories of wars and rumours of war. People are afraid. The coronavirus pandemic rages on and some people fear so much that it is only a matter of time before they become a statistic of COVID 19. This need
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GOD IS LOVE Brick and mortar and on line stores are awash with sales of just about anything, in celebration of the phenomenon that is valentine’s day. There are all kinds of promos and offers loading; buy two get one free; buy one get one free or buy one get one half price. Everything on offer, if purchased, must be
A LITTLE EXTRA EFFORT A few days ago, I was cleaning a wash hand basin in my home. I had noticed a particular “stubborn” black dot a while back and any time I scrubbed, it never faded away. I just thought “what is wrong with this thing?” And before I knew it, I started scrubbing furiously at it. To
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