SHEPHERD OF MY SOUL The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 English Standard Version The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing. Psalm 23:1 New International Version The Lord is my Shepherd; I have all that I need. Psalm 23:1 New Living Translation Psalm 23, is a chapter of the Bible that
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PURSUE PEACE. This year, we will be bombarded with all kinds of news! …Breaking news, Headline news, Good news, Bad news, Fake news, and even “old” fake news; yes there is already such a thing as I learnt a few days ago from a group I belong to. Yet whatever news we hear should not in any way create fear or
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WHO DO YOU DEPEND ON? I was suddenly reminded of the tax forms we fill and the question that asks “Number of dependants”? Here in Nigeria and perhaps in the whole of the African continent, real dependants are more than under aged children (whether biological, adopted or step). There are many more dependants than the spaces made available on any
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TIME TO CLEAN UP It is a New Year! Welcome to 2021! Back in the day, we would prepare long lists of things we wanted to do away with or “do away from”, we called them new year resolutions. And though some people did their best to stick to their resolutions, some barely made it to the end of the
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GOD’S TIMING The year 2020 has been a pretty unexpected year for most. I remember towards the end of last year (2019), we all planned for the ‘new year’ and had great expectations for it. All the planning would have ranged from companies strategizing to make profit, to churches aiming to grow more roots in their communities and even to
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GOD’S WAY IS THE BEST WAY It’s the Christmas holiday season and here in Lagos, Nigeria it’s all chock -a- block! Roads are so busy and the traffic is endless. If you reside there, my advice is,“If it’s not urgent, leave it till later.” Or you might find yourself spending the better part of the day just sitting in traffic.
HE STOOPED TO CONQUER. I had often wondered about the English idiom “stoop to conquer.” The famous 18th century English playwright, Oliver Goldsmith had used this same expression as the title of one of his more famous works. The comedy, “She stoops to Conquer” was the story of an upper class lady who posed as a maid in order to
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O COME, O COME, EMMANUEL! We are officially in the Advent Season, which is observed every year from the fourth Sunday before Christmas up until Christmas day. Growing up in the Anglican church, we had specific hymns that were sang for different occasions. One of the most popular Advent hymns (which is sometimes sang as a Christmas carol) is
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JESUS, THE SON OF MARY. I was having a conversation with a loved one recently. We were discussing about how parenting has changed. To be a parent today requires divine wisdom. It appears that parents have become extra sensitive about anything to do with their children especially when it comes to discipline and correction. “Don’t be too harsh.” “Be careful,
WHEN THE ROOT REMAINS Many years ago, my father, of blessed memory, planted a mango tree out front. Without much ado, the tree sprouted and some yummy succulent mangos began to spring forth. As a matter of fact, the fruits hung so low we just needed to stretch forth and pluck them off the tree. Members of our household would
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