NONE CAN COMPARE TO JESUS. I had a shocking revelation just a few days ago. And it was that “What if God the Son (Jesus) said “NO” to God the Father”? My initial emotion was of being shaken to my core. That would mean no hope for us whatsoever. Imagine a life of hopelessness! We would be eternally condemned to
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GOD’S LOVE Happy New Year Everyone! I pray that we will all partake of the goodness and goodies of 2022 in Jesus name. Most churches and ministries start the year with a “word” or “theme” for the year for their members. And that’s all great. Yet, no matter how exciting the prospect of the New Year is, some barely made
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THE GIFT OF A NEW YEAR. The year 2021, given to us by the Lord, is coming to a close. And just as years gone by, this year has been a gift. When we receive a gift we normally find a use or purpose for it. How did we use the gift of 2021? Did we take it for granted?
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HOPE The story of the birth of Jesus or the ‘Nativity story’, is one most of us have heard many times; each year we especially hear it at Christmas time. We have heard it so much and know it so well that it has become a ‘story’. May I please take us back 2000 years ago? The time before our
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LAVISH IT ON JESUS Bending down to pick up the pieces of broken bottle, a tear rolled down Eden’s face onto the smoothly tiled floor. What was wrong with her; she wondered? This was the third bottle of expensive fragrance that had slipped from her hands in the past month. She now found herself jumping at every sound since their
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CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? Yoruba people from the south western part of Nigeria have a saying that goes like this; “When your yam is cooked and ready to eat, eat it secretly.” I have always found this very interesting. A few days ago, I got to know the origin of this saying. In some parts of South West Nigeria
HE ANSWERS EVERY CALL Nife a lovely well mannered young lady was very hard working. She was dedicated to her confectionery business and believed that one day she would land a big break. By virtue of her upbringing and pedigree she had the personal contacts of a few highly placed and influential people yet they were not accessible to her.
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BE SEEN, BE VISIBLE! I live in a gated community in the city of Lagos. Though a lot of families live there it is not unusual to find empty parcels of land scattered all around. Up until very recently, one of such empty parcels of land was bang in front of my house. I used to love standing at one
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WE HAVE A SOUND MIND “Are you out of your mind?” “She was not in the right frame of mind.” “He must have lost his mind.” All the above expressions in the English language mean “to lose control of one’s mental faculties.” And when this happens one can act insane or crazy. So how does one act insane or crazy?
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PLEASE, DO NOT FAINT. On hearing the news that the building he had invested millions of dollars in had collapsed, Mr. Shab fainted. It took the effort of his personal assistant and his driver to get him revived and to the hospital in good time, where he was admitted and put under observation. As soon as Mrs. Shab was contacted
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