Continue ReadingTHE GO-BETWEEN
THE GO-BETWEEN I went to secondary school in Western Nigeria in the late 1970’s and in the early 1980’s long before electronic mails and mobile phones became popular. Most correspondence then was done by post or was hand delivered through someone who was likely to see the addressee. The go-between who was responsible for delivering the mail was also referred
STAY YOUNGER FOR LONGER! These days it seems that we are willing to spend any amount of money or time on any product that guarantees looking many years younger or that has the effect of prolonging our life span. Even if it involves medical procedures. The truth though is that nobody is going to live forever and ageing is part
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LOVE COVERS IT ALL “Love”, they say,“is a many splendoured thing”; and the Cambridge Dictionary defines “splendour” as “great beauty that attracts admiration ànd attention”. In my native language, Yoruba, the word “splendour” is translated “ologo” which literally means “something glorious”. I would therefore like to conclude that Love is indeed a glorious thing. The “Glorious thing” called love has been described as a law,
THE POWER OF THE TONGUE (SPEAK LIFE) “And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is an unrighteous world among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the cycle of nature, and set on fire by hell.” James 3: 6 (Revised Standard Version) Often times we forget the power of our tongue. From the fall of man our tongue
SEED TIME AND HARVEST In most orthodox churches , it’s the harvest season. I grew up in an Anglican Church and last week was our Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service. It was indeed an uplifting and refreshing time. All church groups took turns to dance forward with thanksgiving and praises bringing their gifts before the Lord (of the Harvest) in appreciation
THERE IS NO NEED TO FEAR! “Elijah was afraid and fled for his life. He went to Beersheba, a town in Judah, and he left his servant there.” 1 Kings 19:3 NLT Yes, you better believe it! The great prophet Elijah was afraid! He felt FEAR! That crippling, confusing, destructive emotion and feeling. So Elijah was aware that Jezebel
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HOLD ON TO THE KEY! Over the weekend I heard of a family who locked themselves out of their home. Their father had gone out and on his return everyone was excited to have him back and they all went out to welcome him home along with their nine month old baby and his nanny. In their excitement nobody had
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THE RAISON D’ETRE – THE REASON FOR BEING A couple of months ago, our church orchestra treated us to some instrumentals from the soundtrack of the musical “Sound of Music.” It was both surprising and refreshing at the same time. It brought back very fond memories of my childhood. I suddenly recalled the words of one of the songs and
Continue ReadingYOU ARE SO MUCH MORE!
YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE! I am currently reading a book titled “Treasure in Jars of Clay” by Claudio Freidzon. The title has inspired this article. Has anyone ever made you feel small. Have you ever felt that you were not good enough for something or someone? Do you sometimes feel that you are never going to amount to anything? Do
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