TIME FOR EXPLOITS We always say “Those who know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits” Yes that’s true because it is what the word of God says. Daniel 11: 32 So where does your strength come from? Strength comes when you rejoice in the Lord; for starters; Nehemiah 8:10 Strength comes when you praise the Lord; Even
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USE THE UNUSUAL David killed the giant Goliath; but there was no sword in the hand of David. 1 Sam 17:50 The usual weapon used in the time of war was a sword or a spear, with a protective shield. But David used none of these. He used unusual weapons to defeat and disgrace the giant Goliath. He used a
That One Celebrity. In this fast paced world where everyone is famous for this or known for that, it is easy to get caught up and obsessed with being known and recognised. I remember the first time a celebrity replied a message I sent them, it was a great feeling to know that someone who was significant replied my message.
DON’T LET ANYTHING TAKE YOUR PLACE!!! I saw a display picture of a dog, babysitting a child. And I thought, this is so cute. Incidentally, there are arguments (pictures) to support the fact that dogs are the best babysitters. And that pit bulls, of all breeds, were known for centuries as “The Nanny Dog” and were often in charge of
CLEANING UP THE MESS SOMEBODY has made a mess and NOBODY wants to clean it up. EVERYBODY looks at the mess and and walks by. Well, ……….. almost everybody………………… Luke 10:30-37 So when friends stay away; and family does not show up There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother; and He will pick you up His name
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BE CAREFUL!!! What’s eating you up? Who/What have you given the power to upset you so much? Be careful that you do not let it eat you down to the grave!!! This sounds so severe but it is exactly what happened to someone I know. Here is his story. “The King preferred Haman, the Agagite; Over the princes
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LET US PRAY (PART 2) In her interview with CBN’s Efrem Graham, Priscilla Shirer, star of the 2015 block buster “War Room” , says:- “For every visible, physical event we see happening in our lives whether positive or negative, there is a spiritual counterpart that we cannot see………..”. She then summarises the movie thus:- “………..shift your attention from all you
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LET US PRAY On September 11, 2001, one of the most harrowing terrorist attacks the world has ever known, was carried out on The World Trade Centre, Manhattan, New York and part of the Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia. The attacks claimed a little under 3,000 lives. On the same day in Wilton, Connecticut, a retired Marine, David Karnes, who had
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A Detox for the Soul This past year has seen the rise of various cultural phenomena which have affected and is still affecting our world. Such are the rise of the fashion and beauty industry, the music and entertainment industry and most particular, fitness and health. These times you hear of vegans and vegetarians. Most people are starting to eat
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Imagine yourself in a violent storm out at sea? The waves are monstrous and the boat you are in is rocking perilously! The wind and the waves are whipping the boat around as though it were made out of paper and it takes all of your strength to hold on and keep from being washed overboard! You feel bruised and
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