KNOW THE FATHER’S LOVE A few weeks ago while I was in the kitchen sorting something out, I could faintly hear my son and his dad chatting and giggling in the living room. The next thing I heard my son say was “Daddy, you are not my friend again” and playfully daddy began to cry and this “crying” went on
THE LORD REIGNS OVER ALL Nebuchadnezzar was a proud, idolatrous king. He thought all power belonged to him and he honestly thought he had the whole world in his hands and could do as he pleased. Well not only was he mistaken; he was very confused. Or how else would one describe a person who thinks he is much more
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YOU CAN LEAN ON HIM A few days ago, I leaned back on the cutting table in my “atelier” and discovered that the legs were somewhat wobbly. I knew we had to adjust the legs in order to avoid a major disaster where the whole table would collapse. So I made plans to send for the carpenter to come and
LET NOTHING DROWN JESUS OUT OF YOUR LIFE Sadly, I never learnt to swim. It is one of my greatest regrets. And though I know it is not too late to learn, I hate to admit that I am petrified of water like that. I think of people that have drowned and just dig my heels in and refuse to
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WHAT IF… Chinwe was a young athlete who shared an apartment with two friends. All three ladies were hard working and each one deeply focused on their work. They all agreed to hang out together at least once every month outside of their house. On one such date nights, Chinwe had to cancel at the very last minute. She had
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HE AROSE! Hello everyone and we are still celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Honestly, the Resurrection of Jesus is the best news ever. There are so many dimensions to it that if we decide to unpack each one we will never get to the end. The good news I bring today is that Jesus was
THE RESURRECTION CANNOT BE BURIED Once again Easter is here. This is the commemoration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. So, Happy Easter everyone! And thank you Abba for the Risen Lord! Halleluyah!! When Jesus was crucified it was on a Friday and it was the day before the annual Passover feast; (which was a big
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BREAD OF LIFE TEXT: JOHN 6:35a; – “I am the bread of life:” It is universally known that bread is eaten daily, while most fruits are available seasonally. That is not the case with bread and definitely not the case with Jesus. Jesus is available all day everyday. He is not a seasonal option and so should be brought to
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SPRING IS HERE It’s officially Spring! Yaaaaaay!! The first day of Spring was 20th March, 2022. The season of Spring has been and always will be associated with new beginnings, freshness and fruitfulness. Now, because it comes after the bleakness of winter or the dry harmattan of the West African subcontinent, spring is welcomed with very open arms and anticipation
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TAKE THE EASY YOKE Sometime ago, I saw a video of an almost incredible situation. This must have happened in a French speaking African country (Senegal, I believe) as I could hear part of the ongoing conversation in French. But it really could have been anywhere from Khartoum, to Namibia or even South Africa. In these countries there is a
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