WHEN GOD CALLS At home with our families, at work with our colleagues or even out with friends at social events, there is a possibility that someone will call out our names. There are three things that we will most likely do. We could turn around without saying a word; we could answer by responding “Yes, please”; or turn around
DO NOT WASTE THE TIME David, the son of Jesse was a warrior; a mighty one at that. So much so that once, when the Israelites returned from a particular battle, the following happened: “As they danced, they sang: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” 1 Samuel 18: 7 NIV The women were celebrating David
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FEAR NOT Earlier today, I watched an animation on how the Red Sea parted and how the children of Israel walked through to the other side on dryland. I just sat there staring, in awe, and then the craziest thought popped into my head saying to myself, “you know you are the only one the Egyptians will come and meet
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WHO IS YOUR ALLY? Who is your ally? With whom are you joining forces, combining resources, uniting or coupling yourself? Let us be careful of the alliances we make whether it is a business kind of alliance or a relationship (friends, partners) kind of alliance. It is very important that we have the approval of God as far as alliances
INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS I recently read about a woman who brought her matrimonial problems to social media. She came to warn her spouse while expressing her dissatisfaction over some issues. I have no idea what she was trying to achieve by doing that. Naturally there were all kinds of reactions, comments and opinions from third, fourth and even fifth parties. There
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KEEP GOING A quick story before I get to the article; I am not sure all of our readers know this; my aunty runs the Place of Praise and a team of us contribute to the blog. I try to write as often as possible. This topic has been brewing in my mind for a while, I only had to
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DO NOT STOP TRYING “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” Hebrews 10: 35 – 36 New International Version Please let me make a confession? Sometimes I quit too soon. I have quit when
WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS? A couple of weeks ago, I heard the very sad news of a lady in her late forties who died of cancer. As sad and distressing as the news was, sadder still were the circumstances in which she was found a few weeks before her death. This lady had left home for the “big city“; years
PLACE OF PRIMARY ASSIGNMENT In Nigeria, there is a scheme known as the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC for short) which was established on the 22nd May, 1973. This programme was set up in a bid to encourage national unity among the youths while reconstructing and rebuilding the country after the Nigerian Civil war. Those eligible for service are expected
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YES! HE LOVES ME!!! Years ago, teenage girls used to play a game to determine whether or not the guy they had a crush on felt the same way about them. They would do this by alternately saying “He loves me; he loves me not;” while pulling the petals off a flower. Whatever they said while pulling off the last
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