AN OASIS WITHOUT BITTERNESS Typically an oasis is found in the desert and is described as “a fertile spot where water is found.” It is also described (by the Oxford English Dictionary) as “A pleasant or peaceful area or period in the midst of a difficult or hectic place or situation. ” Here in Nigeria, we are celebrating fifty-eight
DIVINE CONTENTMENT PART 2 THE EYES OF MAN ARE NEVER SATISFIED. I have spoken about divine contentment previously and this is a sequel to that topic, you can find the first one here. . Then, I urged us to seek
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WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE? “Superman; can fly high, way up in the sky; cause I believe he can” This is the opening line of “Make me a believer”; a song from Grammy award winning Saxophonist; Kirk Whalum on his “Gospel According to Jazz Chapter III” Album. For those of us who watch “Superman” with our children, the only reason
AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST. As Christians, it is quite common for certain choices we make or habits we have, to be questioned, many of which we do not think are a big deal. Some of these choices we make by virtue of who we are could be questioned thus: “oh is it because you’re a Christian” or “you’re one of those
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REMEMBER HIM NOW Indeed there is a time for everything. (“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT ) but there is no time like the present to remember our Creator. Now we are young and full of life. We are doing great things and we are doing well. And even if there are struggles
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COME BACK HOME There was this man who was very wealthy and had a lot of possessions. He also had a lot of cash at his disposal. His business was thriving. Everyone called him Papa. Papa was very loving and extremely generous. Plus he hardly ever got angry or upset. Papa was also blessed with children who were doing
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THE SECRET PLACE My Shield; He defends me, My Rock; He protects me, My Banner; He covers me, My Strength; He upholds me. And in a “Secret Place” ; He hides me. Yea! In the the time of trouble; He hides me. Someone told me of how she once had to live (in a hotel) away from her home
UNLIMITED SUPPLY Many years ago when I was a young lady,a much younger girlfriend of mine said to me “Auntie, there is a very slim pick out there of men that are “husband material”. I just smiled and thought to myself that the men most probably feel the same way about the availability of “wife material” ladies. But I find
THE OUTSTRETCHED ARM I hear the sound of tiny feet running down the stairs and I already know what is going to happen the minute she sees me. She will leap right into my arms for a long, tight cuddle. And even before I look up to smile at her, she is flying into my arms already. Phew !!! She
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GLAD TO BE ALIVE Today, I am overcome with a sudden urge to be grateful… for everything! I remember a hymn we used to sing as children at school. The words by Lizette W. Reese, go like this: “Glad that I live am I; That the sky is blue; Glad for the country lanes, And the fall of dew.
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